Audio Engineering Society AES Berlin 2014

AES Berlin 2014
Workshop W15

Tuesday, April 29, 09:00 — 10:30 (Estrel Hall C1)


W15 - Audio Loudness for Audiovisual Archives

Stefano S. Cavaglieri, Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera - Lugano, Switzerland

Explaining audio loudness in a few words is not obvious. This workshop is aimed to address some basic questions, such as “What is the difference between loudness and level?” “Does loudness affect our listening habits?” “Does it affect archiving?” “And what about dissemination?” approaching the topic from a technical perspective, with improved listening quality as a target. After watching an introductory short Loudness War video, we will define a proper setup for the digitization/transfer process in the analog and in the digital domain, we will have a closer look at existing international standards, the issue of metering, and the importance of the working environment.

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Archiving Restoration and Digital Libraries

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