Audio Engineering Society AES Berlin 2014

AES Berlin 2014
Workshop W14

Tuesday, April 29, 09:00 — 11:30 (Estrel Hall B)

W14 - Myth Busting Microphone Specifications

Eddy B. Brixen, EBB-consult - Smorum, Denmark; DPA Microphones /A/S - Allerød, Denmark
Jürgen Breitlow, Georg Neumann Berlin - Berlin, Germany
David Josephson, Josephson Engineering, Inc. - Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Martin Schneider, Georg Neumann Berlin - Berlin, Germany
Helmut Wittek, SCHOEPS GmbH - Karlsruhe, Germany
Joerg Wuttke, Joerg Wuttke Consultancy - Pfinztal, Germany

There are lots and lots of microphones available to the audio engineer. The final choice is often made on the basis of experience or perhaps just habits. (Sometimes the mic is chosen because of its looks.) Nevertheless, there is essential and very useful information to be found in the microphone specifications. This workshop will present the most important microphone specs and provide the attendees with up-to-date information on how these data are obtained and understood. Each member of the panel—all related to industry top brands—will present one item from the spec sheet. The workshop takes a critical look on how specs are presented to the user, what to look for and what to expect. If you have questions regarding microphones, this is definitely the place to ask them! The workshop is organized by the AES Technical Committee on Microphones and Applications.

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Microphones and Applications

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