Audio Engineering Society AES Berlin 2014

AES Berlin 2014 Presenter or Author

Eddy B. Brixen

Eddy B. Brixen

Primary Affiliation: EBB-consult - Smorum, Denmark
Secondary Affiliation: DPA Microphones /A/S - Allerød, Denmark
AES Member Type: Member

Eddy B. Brixen is the owner and senior consultant at EBB-consult. Since 2002 he is also part time employed at DPA Microphones involved with R&D and applications activities.

Major activities include auditorium and studio acoustics, electro acoustic design, recording techniques, and audio forensics. As a lecturer he holds positions with the Copenhagen University, the Danish National School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance, and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

He joined the AES in 1981, has since been involved with a number of committees and activities. Currently he is the chair of the AES Technical Committee on Microphones and Applications and a vice chair of TC on Audio Forensics.

More Info:

Session List

Apr 26: T2: Audio Forensics— What's It All About (Presenter)

Apr 29: W14: Myth Busting Microphone Specifications (Chair)

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