Audio Engineering Society AES Berlin 2014

AES Berlin 2014 Presenter or Author

Andreas Floros

Andreas Floros

Primary Affiliation: Ionian University - Corfu, Greece

Andreas Floros holds an engineering and PhD degree from the department of electrical and computer engineering, University of Patras, He has worked for the semiconductors industry, leading projects in the area of digital audio delivery over PANs and WLANs, Quality-of-Service, mesh networking, wireless VoIP technologies and lately with audio encoding and compression implementations in embedded processors. During 2003 - 2005 he was a member of a number of IEEE Tasks Groups (such as the 802.11e, .11k and .11s) with voting rights. For a period of three years (2005 - 2008), he was an adjunct professor at the department of informatics, Ionian University. During this period of time he also taught at the postgraduate (MSc) degree "Arts and Technologies of Sound" organized by the dept. of Music Studies, Ionian University. Since 2009, he is an Assistant Professor at the department of Audiovisual Arts, Ionian University in the scientific area of digital audio signal processing. His current research interests focus on Analysis, processing and conversion of digital audio signals, Digital audio coding and distribution techniques, Digital audio technologies for multimedia and networking applications, Audio systems for consumer and professional applications, Wireless technologies for multimedia applications (with emphasis on Quality of Service for Wireless LANs) and High-quality audio streaming over packet networks.

Dr. Floros is a member of ACM and the Audio Engineering Society (currently serving as the Secretary of the AES Greek Section), while he actively participates in the AES Technical Committee on Network Audio Systems and Audio for Games. During the last two years, he is also serving as an evaluator of European funded national project proposals.

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Session List

Apr 29: P12: Applications in Audio
A Loudness-Based Adaptive Equalization Technique for Subjectively Improved Sound Reproduction (Author)

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