Audio Engineering Society AES Berlin 2014

AES Berlin 2014 Presenter or Author

Stefania Cecchi

Stefania Cecchi

Primary Affiliation: Universitá Politecnica della Marche - Ancona, Italy

Stefania was born in Amandola (AP) Italy, in 1979. She received the Laurea degree (with honors) in electronic engineering in November 2004at the University of Ancona (Italy) and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering in November 2007 at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy). She is now a Post Doc Researcher at DII (Department of Information Engineering) at the same university above, since February 2008. She is the author or coauthor of several international papers. Her current research interests are in the area of digital signal processing, including adaptive DSP algorithms and circuits, speech, and audio processing. She is member of IEEE and AES.

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Session List

Apr 27: P5: Perception/Spatial Audio/Room Acoustics
A Novel Approach for Prototype Extraction in a Multipoint Equalization Procedure (Author)

Apr 28: P9: Audio Signal Processing/Transducers/Recording/Network Audio
Application of Common-Pole Parallel Filters to Nonlinear Models Based on Orthogonal Functions (Author)
Multiphysic Modeling and Heuristic Optimization of Compression Driver Design (Author)

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