Audio Engineering Society AES Berlin 2014

AES Berlin 2014
Poster Session P13

P13 - Applications in Audio/Education/Forensics

Tuesday, April 29, 15:00 — 16:30 (Foyer)

P13-1 Diffused System of Noise Measurement, Concept, and ImplementationBartlomiej Kruk, Wroclaw University of Technology - Wroclaw, Poland; Michal Luczynski, Wroclaw University of Technology - Wroclaw, Poland; Adrian Pralat, Wroclaw University of Technology - Wroclaw, Poland
The main purpose of this paper is to explore the possibilities of improving the process of noise measurement. It is a known fact that performing simultaneous noise measurements in multiple locations requires the involvement of many individuals in order to operate equipment and ensure that the results are valid. The goal is to improve the measurement process by utilizing modern technology in a way allowing for the data to be collected in a controlled way and submitted to a central location. It allows for elimination of data preprocessing process and facilitates the acquisition and analysis process in measurements requiring data acquisition in multiple locations, reducing the human labor requirements and financial cost of measurements.
Convention Paper 9088 (Purchase now)

P13-2 Improving the Performance of an In-Home Acoustic Monitoring System by Integrating a Vocal Effort Classification AlgorithmEmanuele Principi, Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona, Italy; Roberto Bonfigli, Universita Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona, Italy; Stefano Squartini, Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona, Italy; Francesco Piazza, Universitá Politecnica della Marche - Ancona (AN), Italy
The research interest in technologies for supporting people in their own homes is constantly increasing. In this context this paper proposes a speech-interfaced system for recognizing home automation commands and distress calls. The robustness of the system is increased by employing Power Normalized Cepstral Coefficients as features and by using an adaptive algorithm to reduce known sources of interference. In addition, the mismatch introduced by vocal effort variability is reduced employing a vocal effort classifier and multiple acoustic models. The performance has been evaluated on ITAAL, a recently proposed corpus of home automation commands and distress calls in Italian. The results confirm that the adopted solutions are effective to be employed in a distorted acoustic scenario.
Convention Paper 9089 (Purchase now)

P13-3 Eyes-Free Interaction for Personal Media DevicesThomas Svedström, Aalto University - Espoo, Finland; Aki Härmä, Philips Research - Eindhoven, The Netherlands
The use of visual user interfaces in smartphones and other personal media devices (PMD) leads to decreased situational awareness, for example, in city traffic. It is proposed in the paper that many menu navigation functions in PMDs can be replaced by an eyes-free auditory interface and an input device based on acoustic recognition of tactile gestures. We demonstrate, using a novel experimental setup, that the use of the proposed auditory interface reduces the reaction times to external events in comparison to a visual UI. In addition, while the task completion times in menu navigation are somewhat increased in the auditory interface the subjects were able to complete the given interaction tasks correctly within a reasonable time.
Convention Paper 9090 (Purchase now)

P13-4 Supporting TV Sound in the UK – A New Role for Education?Patrick Quinn, Glasgow Caledonian University - Glasgow, Scotland, UK
The demands placed on staff working in TV sound have changed and grown over the last few decades particularly for those in a senior role. Based on observations and interviews with senior staff this paper gives an overview of the challenges for those working in TV sound in the UK and suggests an enhanced role for Higher and Further Education to support the industry.
Convention Paper 9091 (Purchase now)

P13-5 Cross Level Peer Tutoring to Support Students Learning Audio ProgrammingDavid Moore, Glasgow Caledonian University - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, UK; Steven Walters, Glasgow Caledonian University - Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Computer programming supports learning of key concepts in audio and music technology education, including digital audio processing and sound synthesis. However, programming is a subject that can pose a challenge–particularly for students whose primary focus of study is not pure computer science. This paper examines cross level peer tutoring as a method for supporting audio students learning programming as part of an audio processing module. It will examine the viability of this scheme as a method for enhancing student self-efficacy and achievement. The paper will explore the benefits and issues from the point of view of the tutees as well as the tutors through both quantitative and qualitative research.
Convention Paper 9092 (Purchase now)

P13-6 From Faraday to Fourier: Teaching Audio Technology Fundamentals Using Loudspeaker DesignScott Beveridge, Glasgow Caledonian University - Glasgow, Scotland, UK
This paper presents a novel method of teaching basic audio principles. We describe a loudspeaker design activity that encompasses a large number of core learning outcomes. These include the basics of sound and hearing, digital audio, the audio signal path, and electroacoustics. Following the constructivist learning paradigm, the task encourages students to actively develop their own understanding. The task also promotes deep learning strategies in addition to providing a fun and engaging practical learning experience. From an instructor's perspective the activity presents a unified, structured, cost-effective method of presenting course content.
Convention Paper 9093 (Purchase now)

P13-7 Efficient Cross-Codec Framing Grid Analysis for Audio Tampering DetectionDaniel Gärtner, Fraunhofer IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany; Christian Dittmar, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany; Patrick Aichroth, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany; Luca Cuccovillo, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany; Sebastian Mann, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany; Gerald Schuller, Ilmenau University of Technology - IImenau, Germany
In this paper we present an audio tampering detection method based on the analysis of discontinuities in the framing grid, caused either by manipulations within the same recording or across recordings even with codec changes. The approach extends state of the art methods for MP3 framing grid detection with respect to efficiency and robustness, and multi-codec support, adding mp3PRO, AAC, and HE-AAC schemes. An evaluation has been carried out using a publicly available dataset. A high performance is reported on both detecting tampering and codecs showing the usefulness of the approach in audio forensics.
Convention Paper 9094 (Purchase now)

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