AES New York 2013
Sunday, October 20, 11:00 am — 1:00 pm (Room 1E15/16)
Special Event: The State of Mastering – 2013
Moderator:Bob Ludwig, Gateway Mastering Studios, Inc. - Portland, ME, USA
Greg Calbi, Sterling Sound - New York, NY, USA
Darcy Proper, Wisseloord Studios - Hilversum, The Netherlands
Douglas Sax, The Mastering Lab - Ojai, CA, USA
Tim Young, Metropolis Mastering - London, UK
Ten years ago top mastering studios generally mastered and created final production masters for only the Compact Disc. Now we commonly create production masters for CDs, Downloads, files for streaming, special "Mastered for iTunes" downloads, and high resolution files for vinyl disk cutting, HDtracks, and Pure Audio Blu-ray masters.
Our Platinum Panelists will talk about the ramifications of State-of-Mastering in 2013 and what the future may hold. We will include some special sound demonstrations.