Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2013

AES New York 2013
Poster Session P17

Sunday, October 20, 10:30 am — 12:00 pm (1EFoyer)

Poster: P17 - Applications in Audio—Part 2

P17-1 Source of ENF in Battery-Powered Digital RecordingsJidong Chai, University of Tennessee - Knoxville, TN, USA; Fan Liu, Chongqing University - Chongqing, China; Zhiyong Yuan, China Southern Power Grid - Guangzhou, China; Richard W. Conners, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Blacksburg, VA, USA; Yilu Liu, University of Tennessee - Knoxville, TN, USA; Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Forensic audio authenticity has developed remarkably over the last few years due to advances in technology of digital recording processing. The ENF (Electric Network Frequency) Criterion is one of the possible tools and has shown very promising results in forensic authentication of digital recordings. However, currently there are very few experiments and papers on studying the source of ENF signals existing in digital recordings. In addition, it is unclear whether or not there are detectable ENF traces in battery-powered digital audio recordings. In this paper the study of ENF source in battery-powered digital recordings is presented, and it shows that ENF in these recordings may not be mainly caused by low frequency electromagnetic field induction but by low frequency audible hum. This paper includes a number of experiments to explore the possible sources of ENF in battery-powered digital recordings. In these experiments, the electric and magnetic field strength in different locations is measured and the results of corresponding ENF extraction are analyzed. Understanding this underlying phenomenon is critical to verify the validity of ENF techniques.
Convention Paper 9007 (Purchase now)

P17-2 The Audio Performance Comparison and Method of Designing Switching Amplifiers Using GaN FETJaecheol Lee, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - Suwon, Korea; Haejong Kim, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - Suwon, Korea; Keeyeong Cho, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - Suwon, Korea; Haekwang Park, Samsung Electronics DMC R&D Center - Suwon, Korea
This paper addresses physical characteristics of FET materials, the method of designing switching amplifiers using GaN FET, and the audio performance comparison of silicon and GaN FET. The physical characteristics of GaN FET are excellent, but there is a technical limitation to apply to consumer electronics. Depletion mode GaN FET is used in the proposed system. Its characteristic is better than Enhance mode. But it has the characteristic of normally turn on. To solve this problem, a cascaded GaN switch block is used. It is a combination of depletion mode GaN and enhanced mode Si. The proposed method has more of an outstanding audio performance than the switching amplifier used in silicon.
Convention Paper 9008 (Purchase now)

P17-3 Audio Effect Classification Based on Auditory Perceptual AttributesThomas Wilmering, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK; György Fazekas, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK; Mark B. Sandler, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK
While the classification of audio effects has several applications in music production, the heterogeneity of possible taxonomies, as well as the many viable points of view for organizing effects, present research problems that are not easily solved. Creating extensible Semantic Web ontologies provide a possible solution to this problem. This paper presents the results of a listening test that facilitates the creation of a classification system based on auditory perceptual attributes that are affected by the application of audio effects. The obtained results act as a basis for a classification system to be integrated in a Semantic Web Ontology covering the domain of audio effects in the context of music production.
Convention Paper 9009 (Purchase now)

P17-4 Development of Volume Balance Adjustment Device for Voices and Background Sounds within Programs for Elderly PeopleTomoyasu Komori, NHK Engineering System, Inc. - Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Waseda University - Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Atsushi Imai, NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories - Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Nobumasa Seiyama, NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories - Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Reiko Takou, NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories - Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Tohru Takagi, NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories - Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Yasuhiro Oikawa, Waseda University - Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Elderly people sometimes feel that the background sounds (music and sound effects) of broadcast programs are annoying. In response, we have developed a device that can adjust the mixing balance of program sounds suitable for elderly people, on the receiver side. The device suppresses uncorrelated components in the stereo background sound in speech segments (intervals in which narration and dialog are mixed with background sounds), and suppresses background sounds only without deterioration by gain control alone in non-speech segments. By subjective evaluations, we have verified that the proposed method can suppress the background sounds of programs by an equivalent of 6 dB, and viewing experiments with elderly people have shown that program sounds have become easier to understand.
Convention Paper 9010 (Purchase now)

P17-5 Acoustical Measurement Software Housed on Mobile Operating Systems TestFelipe Tavera, Walters Storyk Design Group - Highland, NY, USA
A measurement test is devised to provide comparative results between a dedicated type I Sound Level Pressure Meter and a PDA and mobile application with proprietary additional components. The test pretends to analyze and compare results considering only frequency response, linearity over selected dynamic range, and transducer’s directivity under controlled on-site conditions. This, under the purpose of examining the accuracy of the non-dedicated hardware to perform acoustic measurements.
Convention Paper 9011 (Purchase now)

P17-6 Evaluating iBall—An Intuitive Interface and Assistive Audio Mixing Algorithm for Live Football EventsHenry Bourne, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK; Joshua D. Reiss, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK
Mixing the on-pitch audio for a live football event is a mentally challenging task requiring the experience of a skilled operator to capture all the important audio events. iBall is an intuitive interface coupled with an assistive mixing algorithm that aids the operator in achieving a comprehensive mix. This paper presents the results of subjective and empirical evaluation of the system. Using multiple stimulus comparison, event counting, fader tracking, and cross-correlation of mixes using different systems, this paper shows that lesser skilled operators can produce more reliable, more dynamic, and more consistent mixes using iBall than when mixing using the traditional fader-based approach, reducing the level of skill required to create broadcast quality mixes.
Convention Paper 9012 (Purchase now)

P17-7 A Definition of XML File Format and an Editor Application for Korean Traditional Music Notation SystemKeunwoo Choi, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) - Daejeon, Korea; Yong Ju Lee, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) - Daejeon, Korea; Yongju Lee, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) - Daejeon, Korea; Kyeongok Kang, Electronics & Telecom. Research Institute (ETRI) - Daejeon, Korea
In this paper a computer-based system for representing Jeongganbo, the Korean traditional music notation system, is introduced. The system consists of an XML Document Type Definition, an editor application, and a converter into MusicXML. All information of Jeongganbo, including notes, directions, playing techniques, and lyrics, are encoded into XML using the grammar of the proposed Document Type Definition. In addition, users can create and edit Jeongganbo XML files using the proposed editor and export them as a MusicXML file. As a result, users can represent, edit, and share the musical content of Korean traditional music in the digital domain, as well as analyze score-based content for information retrieval.
Convention Paper 9013 (Purchase now)

P17-8 The Structure of Noise Power Spectral Density-Driven Adaptive Post-Filtering AlgorithmJie Wang, Guangzhou University - Guangzhou, China; Chengshi Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Beijing, China; Chinese Academy of Sciences - Shanghai, China; Chunliang Zhang, Guangzhou University - Guangzhou, China; Yueyan Sun, Guangzhou University - Guangzhou, China
Conventional post-filtering (CPF) algorithms often use a fixed filter bandwidth to estimate the auto-spectra and the cross-spectrum. This paper first studies the drawback of the CPF algorithms under the stochastic model and discusses the ways to improve the performances of the CPF algorithms. To improve noise reduction without introducing audible speech distortion, we propose a novel spectral estimator, which is based on the structure of the noise power spectral density (NPSD). The proposed spectral estimator is applied to improve the performance of the CPF. Experimental results verify that the proposed algorithm is better than the CPF algorithms in terms of the segmental signal-to-noise-ratio improvement and the noise reduction, especially the noise reduction, is about 6 dB higher than the CPF.
Convention Paper 8943 (Purchase now)

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