Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2013

AES New York 2013
Project Studio Expo Session

Saturday, October 19, 11:00 am — 12:00 pm (Stage)


Keeping the Human Element in the Digital Age: Ways to Keep Music Sounding Alive and Interesting

Craig Anderton, Harmony Central / Electronic Musician - Santa Fe, NM, USA

It’s vital to keep the “art” in “state of the art.” This workshop starts off by examining how the brain responds to music and the ways music was made in the 50s and 60s compared to how music is being made today—what we’ve gained and what we’ve lost. The discussion then segues into practical ways to retain a human quality in both live performance and studio recordings, including ways to make modeling software sound more “organic,” how to use techniques like snapping to the grid and pitch correction in ways that don’t compromise the music’s humanity, superior methods of quantization, using control surfaces to turn mixes into performances (not just static changes in level), and more. If you want to show technology who’s the boss, this workshop is a must.

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