Technical Program
This year's technical program is full of fascinating events where you're sure to learn useful information from the experts leading these sessions. To get a high level overview of the entire convention you should look through the detailed calendar which has popup windows for each event. You can then click on that event's title to read more detailed information. We have also broken down the program into groups of related events such as "Tutorials", "Live Sound Seminars", and the "Special Events". Once you've determined what sessions to attend you can click on "Registration" on the right to purchase your convention badge.
- Detailed Calendar
- Paper Sessions (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Engineering Briefs (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Tutorials (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Workshops (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Master Classes (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Special Events (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Student & Career Development Events (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Networked Audio Sessions (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Project Studio Expo (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Game Audio Sessions (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Broadcast & Media Streaming Sessions (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Live Sound Seminars (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Sound for Picture Sessions (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Product Design Sessions (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Historical Events (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Technical Tours (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Technical Council Meetings (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Standards Committee Meetings (Subscribe to iCalendar)
Be sure to also check out our exhibition, just next door to the Technical Program:
- List of Exhibitor and Sponsors
- Project Studio Expo (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Systems Sound Symposium (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Knowledge Center (Subscribe to iCalendar)
For your convenience we have also grouped the above events into special tracks. This allows you to see all events of any type (paper, workshop, etc.) related to this specific topic area so you can focus in on the key events in your area of interest.
- Archiving & Restoration Track (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Broadcast & Media Streaming Track (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Game Audio Track (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Live Sound Track (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Networked Audio Track (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Product Design Track (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Recording & Production Track (Subscribe to iCalendar)
- Sound for Picture Track (Subscribe to iCalendar)
Note to participants: If you discover an error of any sort on these pages please notify the Program Editors.