AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

Nicolas Tsingos
Primary Affiliation: Dolby Labs - San Francisco, CA, USA
Nicolas Tsingos is a senior platform manager at Dolby Laboratories. He designed and prototyped the authoring and
rendering tools for the Dolby Atmos cinema technology and now oversees its future evolution.
Tsingos received a PhD in computer science from the Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France. He has more than 15 years of research experience in computer graphics, interactive audio rendering and acoustic simulation. In addition to his current position at Dolby Laboratories, Tsingos holds a tenure research position at INRIA - the French National Institute for Computer Science - and previously was a member of the technical staff at Bell Laboratories.
Session List
Oct 18:
DTV Audio Group Forum: Audio Production and Distribution in an Evolving Television Delivery Landscape (Presenter)