Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2013

AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

Evert Start

Evert Start

Primary Affiliation: Duran Audio - Zaltbommel, Netherlands
AES Member Type: Member

Evert is a senior acoustic scientist/developer at Duran Audio's R&D department. Evert's academic background is in Applied Physics. He is specialised in room and electro-acoustics and focusses on loudspeaker array technology and digital signal processing

After a three year intermezzo, during which he worked as an (electro) acoustic consultant dealing with a lot of speech intelligibility issues in difficult acoustic environments, he returned to the research again by joining Duran Audio in the year 2000. At Duran Audio he developed a new directivity concept for loudspeaker arrays, that is known as ‘Digital Directivity Synthesis’ (DDS).

His research work included the measurement of highly directional wave fields using Near Field Acoustic Holography, the design of DDS-driven cardioid loudspeaker arrays and the formulation of a hybrid PSM-BEM model to improve simulation and optimisation of cardioid subwoofer arrays. More recently worked on the improvement of speech intelligibility of Public Address systems in traffic tunnels.

Next to his research activities Evert authors and presents papers and provides courses and trainings to Axys designers/users at a regular basis. He also provides acoustic support to Duran Audio's sister companies and many consultants all over the world.

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Session List

Oct 20: W31: Beam Steering Loudspeakers and Line Arrays (Panelist)

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