Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2013

AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

Robert Auld

Primary Affiliation: Auldworks - New York, NY, USA
AES Member Type: Associate
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Robert Auld has worked as a professional audio engineer since the mid-1980's. For a decade he was the live mixing engineer for jazz big band concerts at the Manhattan School of Music. Guest artists at those concerts included Wynton Marsalis, The Vanguard Orchestra, Jon Faddis and many others.

From 2002 to the present he has been Chief Engineer for The Radio Foundation, a NYC-based spoken voice/ISDN studio, owned by former WBAI manager Larry Josephson. He has engineered live and recorded ISDN sessions for National Public Radio and affiliates, the BBC and other clients all over the world, as well as doing remote recordings for NPR, Tavis Smiley and many other clients.

Robert Auld is also an experienced transfer engineer, and has handled archiving projects for the Estate of Arturo Toscanini, The Murray-Louis Foundation for Dance, The Lincoln Center Library, and many other clients.

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Session List

Oct 18: The Art of Recording the Big Band, Revisited (Presenter)

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