AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

Lee Minich
Primary Affiliation: Lab X Technologies - Rochester, NY, USA
Lee Minich is the President and founder of Lab X Technologies, an engineering design service firm based in Rochester, NY (upstate) founded in 1996, who are the providers of connectivity platforms for a large number of professional audio/video equipment manufacturers. Minich has been in the audio/video industry since 1992, and since 2000 has been focused on the plethora of proprietary audio/video networking solutions, with a heavy focus on AVB (Audio Video Bridging) since 2007.
Minich recently held the Marketing Work Group (MWG) chairman role from September of 2009 - July 2013 within the AVnu Alliance, a consortium of leading equipment manufacturers, which is focused on compliance and interoperability of AVB (Audio Video Bridging) standards based products.
Minich also holds BSEE and MSEE degrees.
More Info: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=18772569
Session List
Oct 18:
N3: The Role of Standards in Audio Networking (Panelist)