AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

Bill Whitlock
Primary Affiliation: Jensen Transformers, Inc. - Chatsworth, CA, USA
Secondary Affiliation: Whitlock Consulting - Oxnard, CA, USA
AES Member Type: Life Fellow
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Bill Whitlock, president and chief engineer of Jensen Transformers since 1989, has designed professional analog audio/video electronics for 40 years. He’s helped tens of thousands understand grounding and signal interfacing in real-world systems … and debunk widespread myths. His writings include numerous AES papers, magazine articles, Jensen application notes, and chapters for Ballou’s "Handbook for Sound Engineers" and Self’s “Audio Engineering Explained.” He’s lectured at MIT and many other universities. He’s a CEDIA-certified instructor and adjunct faculty for InfoComm, where his trade-show seminars are very popular. NSCA students voted him technical instructor of the year in 2009 and 2010. He holds several patents and is an AES Life Fellow and IEEE Life Senior.
Session List
Oct 17:
T5: An Overview of Audio System Grounding and Signal Interfacing (Presenter)
Oct 17:
W4: Microphone Specifications—Believe it or Not (Panelist)
Oct 17:
LS1: AC Power and Grounding (Panelist)
Oct 18:
Student Design Competition (Judge)
Oct 20:
PD7: Is Your Equipment Design a Noise Problem Waiting to Happen? (Presenter)