AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

Yilu Liu
Primary Affiliation: University of Tennessee - Knoxville, TN, USA
Secondary Affiliation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yilu Liu (S’88–M’89–SM’99–F’04) is currently the Governor’s Chair at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She is also the deputy director of the NSF/DOE engineering research center on Ultra Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT). Prior to joining UTK/ORNL, she was a Professor at Virginia Tech.
Dr. Liu received her MS and Ph.D. degrees from the Ohio State University, Columbus, in 1986 and 1989. She received the BS degree from Xian Jiaotong University.
She led the effort to create the North America power grid monitoring network (FNET) at Virginia Tech which is now operated at UTK and ORNL as GridEye. Her current research interests include power system wide-area monitoring and control, large interconnection level dynamic simulations, electromagnetic transient analysis, and power transformer modeling and diagnosis ([email protected]).
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Session List
Oct 19:
P15: Applications in Audio—Part I
Tampering Detection of Digital Recordings Using Electric Network Frequency and Phase Angle (Author)
Oct 20:
P17: Applications in Audio—Part 2
Source of ENF in Battery-Powered Digital Recordings (Author)