AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

Judith Liebetrau
Primary Affiliation: Ilmenau University of Technology - Ilmenau, Germany
Secondary Affiliation: Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany
Having graduated from university, she started to work at the department of acoustics at Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT. Her main work focuses on research concerning video and sound quality assessment as well as audio-visual perception. She authored and co-authored papers on perceptual evaluation of sound quality and psychoacoustical effects. She also participates in the Working Party 6C (WP 6C) – “Programme production and quality assessment” of the standardization body ITU-R.
In 2011 she started on a DFG (German Research Foundation) founded project. Here, she tries to answer the question what parts of music influence emotions and how.
Session List
Oct 17:
W9: Can We Measure Emotions? (Chair)
Oct 20:
P18: Perception—Part 2
Paired Comparison as a Method for Measuring Emotions (Author)