AES New York 2013 Presenter or Author

David Romblom
Primary Affiliation: McGill University - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Secondary Affiliation: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
David Romblom is a doctoral candidate in McGill University's Music Technology area, working with Catherine Guastavino, Philippe Depalle, and Richard King. His research interests center around distance and depth perception in relationship to reverberation, as well as sparse time / frequency representations of spatial audio. He received his Master's degree from the Media Arts and Technology program at the University of California, Santa Barbara, working with Curtis Roads and Stephen Travis Pope. His undergraduate degrees are from the University of Michigan in Electrical Engineering and Music Composition. He has worked as a signal processing engineer for Sennheiser's Innovation and Technology office, as well as Universal Audio and E-mu Systems, and has done curriculum development for the Department of Physics at UCSB. He performed music extensively while in California, and continues to write music under the name Modern Folklore. On his own time, he enjoys road bikes, bad jokes, and fancy beer.
Session List
Oct 19:
EB4: Applications in Audio (Chair)
Oct 20:
P16: Spatial Audio—Part 2
A Perceptual Evaluation of Recording, Rendering, and Reproduction Techniques for Multichannel Spatial Audio (Author)
A Perceptual Evaluation of Room Effect Methods for Multichannel Spatial Audio (Author)