Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2013

AES New York 2013
Game Audio Session G4

Friday, October 18, 11:45 am — 12:45 pm (Room 1E09)


G4 - Loudness in Interactive Sound Roundup

Garry Taylor, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe - Cambridge, UK

Over the years there has been much talk of reigning in the loudness problem in the games industry. It's not just talk anymore. Listen to those who has made progress in this field and learn how to apply their efforts to your title. Recently, Sony’s Audio Standards Working Group (ASWG) released loudness recommendations for their first party titles. Garry Taylor, Audio Director at Sony Computer Entertainment, looks at the work of the ASWG, the data they collected, and how that data influenced their recommendations. He looks at their first loudness paper and how their titles are measured and tested at Quality Assurance.

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