AES New York 2013
Game Audio Track Event G8
Saturday, October 19, 10:15 am — 11:15 am (Room 1E10)
Game Audio: G8 - Audio Shorts
Presenters:D. Chadd Portwine, Vicarious Visions
Stephen Harwood, Jr., Education Working Group Chair; IASIG - New York, NY, USA
Jason Kanter, Avalanche Studios
Three presenters enter. No presenters leave. 20 minutes each to serve up an in-depth look at topics in sound design that matter most to them. Q&A to follow.
Shorty #1: Follow the Sound of My Voice: A Localization Retrospective—Follow a VO line as it travels through the localization process for Skylanders: Swap Force. We see how a movie screenplay written in English becomes one-hundred and fifty thousand .wav files in more than ten languages. Screenshots from lip-sync, special-effects, surround sound, and game-mix projects will be viewed and discussed.
Shorty #2: In-DAW Prototyping: WYSIWYG Approval and Delivery—Armed with video capture of gameplay, a content creator can develop sounds and music, as well as their in-game behavior, all without leaving the comfort of their favorite DAW. The workflow demonstrated will provide maximum protection against costly communication breakdowns, e.g., false-positive client approval and errant implementation.
Shorty #3: My Favorite Plugin!