AES New York 2013
Broadcast and Streaming Media Session B5
Thursday, October 17, 5:30 pm — 7:00 pm (Room 1E08)
B5 - Is it Time to Retire the MP3 Protocol for Streaming
Chair:Ray Archie, CBS - New York, NY, USA; Music is My First Language - New York, NY, USA
Karlheinz Brandenburg, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany; Ilmenau University of Technology - Ilmenau, Germany
John Kean, NPR
Jan Nordmann, Fraunhofer USA - San Jose, CA, USA
Greg Ogonowski, Orban - San Leandro, CA, USA
Greg Shay, The Telos Alliance - Cleveland, OH, USA
It has been over 25 years since the MP3 codec was introduced to the audio community. With lossy audio encoding, such as an MP3, there is a not so fine balance between audio quality and file size. With the ever increasing availability of bandwidth, file size has diminished as a consideration for audio streaming and codec related loss in audio quality is much more apparent.
This panel will be an in-depth discussion about this phenomenon. We will also discuss challenges related to introducing new codecs into the space.