AES New York 2013
Poster Session P15
Saturday, October 19, 3:00 pm — 4:30 pm (1EFoyer)
Poster: P15 - Applications in Audio—Part I
P15-1 An Audio Game App Using Interactive Movement Sonification for Targeted Posture Control—Daniel Avissar, University of Miami - Coral Gables, FL, USA; Colby N. Leider, University of Miami - Coral Gables, FL, USA; Christopher Bennett, University of Miami - Coral Gables, FL, USA; Oygo Sound LLC - Miami, FL, USA; Robert Gailey, University of Miami - Coral Gables, FL, USA
Interactive movement sonification has been gaining validity as a technique for biofeedback and auditory data mining in research and development for gaming, sports, and physiotherapy. Naturally, the harvesting of kinematic data over recent years has been a function of an increased availability of more portable, high-precision sensory technologies, such as smart phones, and dynamic real time programming environments, such as Max/MSP. Whereas the overlap of motor skill coordination and acoustic events has been a staple to musical pedagogy, musicians and music engineers have been surprisingly less involved than biomechanical, electrical, and computer engineers in research efforts in these fields. Thus, this paper proposes a prototype for an accessible virtual gaming interface that uses music and pitch training as positive reinforcement in the accomplishment of target postures.
Convention Paper 8995 (Purchase now)
P15-2 Evaluation of the SMPTE X-Curve Based on a Survey of Re-Recording Mixers—Linda A. Gedemer, University of Salford - Salford, UK; Harman International - Northridge, CA, USA
Cinema calibration methods, which include targeted equalization curves for both dub stages and cinemas, are currently used to ensure an accurate translation of a film's sound track from dub stage to cinema. In recent years, there has been an effort to reexamine how cinemas and dub-stages are calibrated with respect to preferred or standardized room response curves. Most notable is the work currently underway reviewing the SMPTE standard ST202:2010 "For Motion-Pictures - Dubbing Stages (Mixing Rooms), Screening Rooms and Indoor Theaters -B-Chain Electroacoustic Response." There are both scientific and anecdotal reasons to question the effectiveness of the SMPTE standard in its current form. A survey of re-recording mixers was undertaken in an effort to better understand the efficaciousness of the SMPTE standard from the users' point of view.
Convention Paper 8996 (Purchase now)
P15-3 An Objective Comparison of Stereo Recording Techniques through the Use of Subjective Listener Preference Ratings—Wei Lim, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Stereo microphone techniques offer audio engineers the ability to capture a soundscape that approximates how one might hear realistically. To illustrate the differences between six common stereo microphone techniques, namely XY, Blumlein, ORTF, NOS, AB, and Faulkner, I asked 12 study participants to rate recordings of a Yamaha Disklavier piano. I examined the inter-rating correlation between subjects to find a preferential trend toward near-coincidental techniques. Further evaluation showed that there was a preference for clarity over spatial content in a recording. Subjects did not find that wider microphone placements provided for more spacious-sounding recordings. Using this information, this paper also discusses the need to re-evaluate how microphone techniques are typically categorized by distance between microphones.
Convention Paper 8997 (Purchase now)
P15-4 Tampering Detection of Digital Recordings Using Electric Network Frequency and Phase Angle—Jidong Chai, University of Tennessee - Knoxville, TN, USA; Yuming Liu, Electrical Power Research Institute, Chongqing Electric Power Corp. - Chongqing, China; Zhiyong Yuan, China Southern Power Grid - Guangzhou, China; Richard W. Conners, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Blacksburg, VA, USA; Yilu Liu, University of Tennessee - Knoxville, TN, USA; Oak Ridge National Laboratory
In the field of forensic authentication of digital audio recordings, the ENF (electric network frequency) Criterion is one of the possible tools and has shown promising results. An important task for forensic authentication is to determine whether the recordings are tampered or not. Previous work performs tampering detection by looking for the discontinuity in either the extracted ENF or phase angle from digital recordings. However, using only frequency or phase angle to detect tampering may not be sufficient. In this paper both frequency and phase angle with a corresponding reference database are used to do tampering detection of digital recordings, which result in more reliable detection. This paper briefly introduces the Frequency Monitoring Network (FNET) at UTK and its frequency and phase angle reference database. A Short-Time Fourier transform (STFT) is employed to estimate the ENF and phase angle embedded in audio files. A procedure of using the ENF criterion to detect tampering, ranging from signal preprocessing, ENF and phase angle estimation, frequency database matching to tampering detection, is proposed. Results show that utilizing frequency and phase angle jointly can improve the reliability of tampering detection in authentication of digital recordings.
Convention Paper 8998 (Purchase now)
P15-5 Portable Speech Encryption Based Anti-Tapping Device—C. R. Suthikshn Kumar, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT) - Girinagar, Pune, India
Tapping telephones nowadays is a major concern. There is a need for a portable device that can be attached to a mobile phone that can prevent tapping. Users want to encrypt their voice during conversation, mainly for privacy. The encrypted conversation can prevent tapping of the mobile calls as the network operator may tap the calls for various reasons. In this paper we propose a portable device that can be attached to the mobile phone/landline phone that serves as an anti-tapping device. The device encrypts the speech and decrypts the encrypted speech in real time. The main idea is that speech is unintelligible when encrypted.
Convention Paper 8999 (Purchase now)
P15-6 Personalized Audio Systems—A Bayesian Approach—Jens Brehm Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark - Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; Widex A/S - Lynge, Denmark; Bjørn Sand Jensen, Technical University of Denmark - Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; Toke Jansen Hansen, Technical University of Denmark - Kongens Lyngby, Denmark; Jan Larsen, Technical University of Denmark - Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Modern audio systems are typically equipped with several user-adjustable parameters unfamiliar to most listeners. To obtain the best possible system setting, the listener is forced into non-trivial multi-parameter optimization with respect to the listener's own objective and preference. To address this, the present paper presents a general interactive framework for robust personalization of such audio systems. The framework builds on Bayesian Gaussian process regression in which the belief about the user's objective function is updated sequentially. The parameter setting to be evaluated in a given trial is carefully selected by sequential experimental design based on the belief. A Gaussian process model is proposed that incorporates assumed correlation among particular parameters, which provides better modeling capabilities compared to a standard model. A five-band constant-Q equalizer is considered for demonstration purposes, in which the equalizer parameters are optimized for each individual using the proposed framework. Twelve test subjects obtain a personalized setting with the framework, and these settings are significantly preferred to those obtained with random experimentation.
Convention Paper 9000 (Purchase now)