AES Rome 2013
Workshop W1
Saturday, May 4, 10:30 — 12:30 (Auditorium Loyola)
W1 - Capturing the Acoustics of Concert Halls with a Loudspeaker Orchestra
Chair:Tapio Lokki, Aalto University - Aalto, Finland
Jukka Pätynen
Sakari Tervo
The sensory evaluation process to assess the quality of concert hall acoustics requires that the spatial sound in a concert hall can be reproduced accurately with a multichannel reproduction system. This workshop introduces methods to create a listening system, with which a subject can switch between the acoustics of different rooms, e.g., concert halls, in real time. The acoustics is captured by measuring spatial impulse responses from 34 loudspeakers on stage with a microphone array. The impulse responses are spatially encoded for a 24-loudspeaker 3-D setup. Finally, a convolution of anechoic symphony orchestra recordings with spatially decomposed convolution reverbs reproduces the spatial sound from the concert hall for listening and for comparison of acoustics. The workshop includes several sound samples from famous European concert halls.