Audio Engineering Society AES Rome 2013

AES Rome 2013
Tutorial T8

Sunday, May 5, 12:00 — 13:00 (Sala Foscolo)

T8 - Perceptual Testing of Speech in Modern Audio Products

Dan Foley, Audio Precision

We are witnessing a convergence of audio technologies in modern compact consumer products, with small computing devices processing voice and general audio through a range of options that include analog, electro-acoustic, Bluetooth, HDMI, and more. Whereas in the past sine and noise-based test signals have been used to verify performance, these new devices require both a mixture of connectivity options and the ability to assess the perceptual needs of voice communication.

Tests such as Perceptual Speech Quality (PESQ) and Perceptual Listening Quality (POLQA) are now being used to fully assess device performance where codecs and other non-linear processing is used. This presentation will focus on how these perceptual methods work and when to use them in conjunction with, or in lieu of, classic audio test methods and techniques.

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