AES San Francisco 2012
Sunday, October 28, 10:45 am — 12:15 pm (Room 120)
Double Yer Money! ... An Hour that Could Change Your Earning Prospects Forever
Presenter:Peter Filleul, APRS - UK - London, UK; Music Producers' Guild - London, UK
Presentations and discussion that looks at the implications of recording in countries that enjoy neighbouring rights and revenues. Explore how recording in the UK can entitle performers (and producers) to significant streams of revenue. Hear the latest developments at PPL (the collection society in the UK) that smooth the way for claims from “Eligible Studio Producers” who record in the UK and have the criteria that PPL have identified that will enable a studio producer to make a claim explained. How will this effect U.S. and UK recording studios? Will UK studios, keen to attract work from the USA, have a special competitive edge on their U.S. counterparts? How will the new WIPO Audio Visual Performances Treaty impact on performer revenues in the USA—and when? Will these economic realities add leverage to efforts to acquire similar terrestrial rights in the USA.?
This Special Event will be conducted by Producer Rights activist and Chairman of the European Sound Directors' Association, Peter Filleul and attended by key P&E Wing council members and will include an A/V presentation and Q&A session.