AES San Francisco 2012
Product Design Track Event G1
Friday, October 26, 11:00 am — 12:30 pm (Room 123)
Game Audio: G1 - A Whole World in Your Hands: New Techniques in Generative Audio Bring Entire Game Worlds into the Realms of Mobile Platforms
Presenter:Stephan Schütze
"We can't have good audio; there is not enough memory on our target platform." This is a comment heard far too often especially considering it's incorrect. Current technology already allows for complex and effective audio environments to be made with limited platform resources when developed correctly, but we are just around the corner from an audio revolution.
The next generation of tools being developed for audio creation and implementation will allow large and complex audio environments to be created using minimal amounts of resources. While the new software apps being developed are obviously an important part of this coming revolution it is the techniques, designs, and overall attitudes to audio production that will be the critical factors in successfully creating the next era of sound environments.
This presentation will break down and discuss this new methodology independent of the technology and demonstrate some simple concepts that can be used to develop a new approach to sound design. All the material presented in this talk will benefit development on current and next gen consoles as much as development for mobile devices.