AES San Francisco 2012
Game Audio Track Event G5
Saturday, October 27, 11:00 am — 1:00 pm (Room 123)
Game Audio: G5 - Careers Panel—Getting a Job in the Game Industry
Chair:Steve Horowitz, The Code International Inc., MPA
Charles Deenen, Electronic Arts - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Jesse Harlin, LucasArts
Adam Levenson, Levenson Artists
Richard Warp, Leapfrog
From AAA titles to social media, the game industry offers a lot of opportunity for the audio practitioner. In this event our panel will break down the current state of the industry.
Everyone wants to work in games, just check out the news. The game industry is larger then the film industry and the growth curve keeps going up and up and up. So, what is the best way to get that first gig in audio for games? How can I transfer my existing skills to interactive media? Should I go to school? What are the pros and cons of a degree program versus just getting out there on my own? Good questions! We will take a panel of today’s top creative professionals from large game studios to Indie producers and ask them what they think you need to know when looking for work in the game industry. So, whether you are already working in the game industry or just thinking of the best way to transfer your skills from film, TV or general music production to interactive media or a complete newbie to the industry, this panel is a must!