AES San Francisco 2012
Game Audio Track Event G7
Saturday, October 27, 4:15 pm — 5:45 pm (Room 131)
Game Audio: G7 - Loudness Issues in Games
Chair:Steve Martz, THX Ltd. - San Rafael, CA, USA
Mike Babbitt, Dolby Labs - San Francisco, CA, USA
Richard Cabot, Qualis Audio - Lake Oswego, OR, USA
Tom Hays, Technicolor Creative Services
Mark Yeend, Microsoft - Redmond, WA, USA
If its too loud ….
Loudness wars in games have been hotly debated but without significant progress. Other industries have taken steps to rein in the content delivered to consumers. Are there parallels that can be applied to games? A panel of industry experts will review the present implementation of the broadcast industries’ Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM Act) of 2012 and investigate its potential application to the games industry. The panel will also discuss current attempts to address this issue amongst Publishers and Developers.