AES San Francisco 2010
Workshop W14
Saturday, November 6, 2:30 pm — 3:30 pm (Room 130)
W14 - Rethinking the Digital Audio Workstation
Michael Hlatky, accessive tools GmbH
Jörn Loviscach, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld
Guy McNally, Uncut Video Inc.
Bernard Mont-Reynard, SoundHound Inc.
Allen Saego, London Metropolitan University
The DAWs of today very much resemble those of 1989. Yes, the buttons have become nicer and we can record more tracks in parallel, but with the technology advances since then, we should be doing much better. There are, however, not many companies on the market today that have the ability to rethink how their products work. Yet, universities and research centers have brought us an immense collection of new technologies to build new products upon. How about, for instance, real-time online cross-DAW collaboration, leveraging social networks for finding the optimal effect settings, and making DAWs not only bulletproof, but also foolproof? This workshop surveys existing technologies; it looks into possible synergies from other fields of computing sciences, and proposes practical improvements for and/or radical changes to DAW software.