AES San Francisco 2010
Workshop W11
Friday, November 5, 4:30 pm — 6:00 pm (Room 132)
W11 - AES42 and Digital Microphones
Helmut Wittek, SCHOEPS Mikrofone GmbH
Stephan Flock, DirectOut GmbH
Tom Frey, Sennheiser
Stephan Peus, Georg Neumann GmbH
The AES42 interface for digital microphones is not yet widely used. This can be due to the relatively young appearance of digital microphone technology but also a lack of knowledge and practice with digital microphones and the corresponding interface exists. The advantages and disadvantages have to be communicated in an open and neutral way regardless of commercial interests but on the basis of the actual need of the engineers. Along with an available “White paper” about AES42 and digital microphones, which is aimed a neutral in-depth information and which was compiled from different authors, the proposed workshop intents to enlighten facts and prejudices on this topic.