AES San Francisco 2010
Workshop W3
Thursday, November 4, 2:30 pm — 4:15 pm (Room 130)
W3 - The Future Is Tactile: How Does Whole Body Vibration Affect Perception of Binaural Audio Over Headphones?
Todd Welti, Harman International
Clemeth L. Abercrombie, Artec Consultants Inc.
M. Ercan Altinsoy, Technische Universität Dresden
Sungyoung Kim, Yamaha Corporation
Sean Olive, Harman International
Audio playback at moderate to high levels over headphones alone does not recreate tactile sensations of the recorded or simulated environment. When striving for an accurate and compelling experience, inclusion of tactile stimuli can make the playback system more physically accurate; however including accurate tactile stimulation is not trivial. For example, how do you reproduce tactile stimuli accurately, and does it significantly enhance the experience? More specifically, what is the effect of tactile stimuli on perceived spectral response and loudness? What is the effect of timing asynchrony between aural and tactile channels? How do tactile and aural stimuli interact perceptually? Some of the psychoacoustic issues for haptic feedback systems may also be relevant to binaural playback.