AES San Francisco 2010
Tutorial T8
Saturday, November 6, 9:00 am — 10:45 am (Room 206)
T8 - Spatial Audio Reproduction: From Theory to Production
Frank Melchior, IOSONO GmbH
Sascha Spors, Deutsche Telekom AG Laboratories
Advanced high-resolution spatial sound reproduction systems like Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) and Higher-Order Ambisonics (HOA) are being used increasingly. Consequently more and more material is being produced for such systems. Established channel-based production processes from stereophony can only be applied to a certain extent. In the future, a paradigm shift toward object-based audio production will have to take place in order to cope for the needs of systems like WFS. This tutorial spans the bridge from the physical foundations of such systems, over their practical implementation toward efficient production processes. The focus lies on WFS, however the findings will also be applicable to other systems. The tutorial is accompanied by practical examples of object-based productions for WFS.