For Release: October 13, 2010
Live Sound Rocks On At 129th AES Convention
Green Touring, Economics, Wireless Mics & Gigging In The ‘70’s
SAN FRANCISCO: To keep pace with the myriad changes impacting today’s pro audio industry, Live Sound practitioners are adapting to seismic shifts in technology and economics. 129th AES Convention Live Sound Co-Chairs, Jonathan Novick and Michael Knowles have developed a far-ranging program to bring attendees up-to-speed on issues and developments which may have direct impact on their livelihoods.
Live Sound Presentations include:
GREEN TOURING FOR MEDIUM & SMALL OPERATORS: Moderator Tony Tissot (4dB Sound); Panelists - Noah Waldron (Capsicum Pro Audio & Visual), David Scheirman (VP, Tour Sound, JBL Professional), will address the critical conundrum of how concert tour pros can provide the most efficient service with the least impactful carbon footprint. Issues include: Next-generation, earth-friendly products & methods; Environmentally conscientious equipment; Optimal power options.
ECONOMICS-DRIVEN CHANGE – Moderator, Ken Lopez (USC) Panelists - Sam Berkow (SIA Acoustics), David Morgan, Robert Scovill (AVID, Tom Petty), Dave Shadoan (Sound Image) The economics of touring have changed dramatically over the past decade, as has the technology. Both factors are a catalyst for change. The session will open with the perspective of a tour accountant. A lively discussion with industry executives will follow. Are ego and fear inhibiting change, or are other factors involved?
WIRELESS MICROPHONES FOR THE FUTURE: Moderator, James Stoffo (PWS), and panelists Don Boomer (Line 6), Mark Brunner (Shure), Joe Ciaudelli (Sennheiser) and Karl Winkler (Lectrosonics) The FCC keeps changing the wireless spectrum available for mics. The 700 MHz band is already off limits and now there is Super-WiFi and the National Broadband Plan to consider below 700 MHz. Is any part of the spectrum safe? Find out the latest news from FCC and how the experts are insuring reliable RF operation now and preparing for the future
GIGGING IN THE 1970’S: Moderator, Lee Brenkman and panelists John Meyer (Meyer Sound), Radley Hirsch (San Francisco Audio) + TBA. What was it like running sound in the 1970’s, with home-grown speakers, amps pushed to the breaking point, and escalating SPL expectations? Bay Area, live-sound veterans will relive their war stories.
LIVE SOUND FOR CORPORATE EVENTS: WHY IT’S NOT “JUST” TALKING HEADS! Moderator, Ken Newman (Audio Applications), panelists Michael Jackson (BPI Audio), Kevin McKereghan (BBI Engineering), Rich Halvorson, (Presentation Audio) Sound delivery forcorporate events requires a high degree of perfection, but "the on stage look" often takes precedence over loudspeaker placement, complicating signal flow and mixing. Innovative strategies will be illustrated.
FILL SPEAKERS IN LIVE SOUND REINFORCEMENT SYSTEMS: Tom Young (Electroacoustic Design Services), Dave Rat (Rat Sound Systems, Inc.), Ales Dravinec (ADRaudio), Ted Leamy (Pro Media / Ultra Sound), Jamie Anderson (Rational Acoustics): Fill speakers are ubiquitous, but beyond their obvious benefits, they may also be effectively employed for imaging and localization. Special care/coordination may be necessary to reduce the visibility of these (as well as primary) speakers without compromising the systems’ electroacoustic performance.
Additional Live Sound Events Include:
NETWORKED AUDIO FOR LIVE SOUND: Moderator, Jonathan Novick (Audio Precision) Panelists: Lee Minich (Lab X Technologies), Kevin Gross (AVA Networks), Carl Bader (Aviom)
OFF THE GRID – RUNNING ON GENERATOR POWER: Moderator, Kenneth Fause (Auerbach Pollock & Friedlander), Panelists Bruce Olson (Olson Sound)+ tba
SUBWOOFER DIRECTIONALITY: Charlie Hughes (Excelsior Audio), Ales Dravinec (ADRaudio), Dave Rat (Rat Sound), Bill Gelow (Electro-Voice)
ELECTROACOUSTIC ENHANCEMENT SYSTEMS: Roger Schwenke (Meyer), Steve Barbar (LARES), Bruce C. Olson (Olson Sound), Lon Brannies (Yamaha), Kurt Graffy (Bohemian Club)
MEASUREMENT MICROPHONES: Moderator Ray Rayburn (K2 Audio), Noland Lewis (ACO Pacific), David Josephson (Josephson Engineering), Karl Winkler (Lectrosonics)
MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS & APPLICATIONS: Moderator, John Murray (Optimum System Solutions); panelists Bruce C. Olson (Olson Sound Design), Ralph Heinz, (Renkus-Heinz), Kurt Graffy (Bohemian Club), Karl Winkler (Lectrosonics)
“In recent years Live Sound has gained new importance as a revenue source, yet economic concerns continue to impact on the ability to maintain quality as fans demand more ambitious productions and lower ticket prices,” says Convention Co-Chair Jim McTigue. “This year’s Live Sound events present a crash course in new methodology. Jonathan Novick and Michael Knowles have assembled a must-see program which will be a great asset to working professionals.”
A Preliminary Calendar of events including comprehensive Live Sound abstracts is posted at: http://www.aes.org/events/129/
Photo 1. 129th AES Convention Live Sound Co-Chair, Jonathan Novick
Photo 2. 129th AES Convention Live Sound Co-Chair, Michael Knowles
The Audio Engineering Society was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned audio engineers. The AES counts over 14,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East. The organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination of technical information for the industry. For additional information visit http://www.aes.org