For Release: September 15, 2010
129th AES Convention Broadcast & Streaming Sessions Soar
Expanded Focus On New Loudness Initiatives, Stream Formats & Facility Design
SAN FRANCISCO: “In his 22nd consecutive turn as AES Convention Broadcast & Streaming Sessions Chair, David Bialik continues to develop significant, timely, and informative events. He sets the content bar higher and consistently exceeds his own standards,” states AES Executive Director Roger Furness. “Convention Co-Chairs Valerie Tyler, Jim McTigue and I are confident that our Broadcast and Streaming event attendees will find eminently useful information at each of these sessions,” Furness adds.
“In support of our commitment to widen our focus on vital issues the 129th Convention will link three panels in a dedicated Streaming Track,” Bialik says. “In just the past 12 months since our last convention we have witnessed the rapid, almost universal embrace of Streaming. The resolution of issues such as Stream Formats are becoming increasingly urgent. The AES Convention represents an ideal forum for these discussions,” Bialik concludes.
Streaming Track Presentations include:
STREAM FORMATS FOR CONTENT DELIVERY NETWORKS: Moderator, Ray Archie, CBS – AsProgram Streaming evolves into a predominant media force, the lack of a standardized distribution format has begun to impact on the efficiency of the process. Historically, format wars are always been won by the best methodology, e.g. Betamax. A standard cache and distribution system must be determined to enable Streaming to reach its’ full potential.
AUDIO PROCESSING FOR STREAMING: Bill Sacks, moderator; panelists: Skip Pizzi, Consultant / Radio ink; Frank Foti, Telos; Greg Ogonowski, Orban and Ray Archie, CBS will discuss; Finding the silver lining in the internet cloud. Broadcast and Recording engineers hold far different perspectives on compression and Streaming from their IT counterparts. An understanding of the TCP/IP language and protocols is imperative to pro audio IT. Communication is the key element.
AUDIO PERFORMANCE IN STREAMING: David Prentice, moderator Dale Pro Audio; Panel TBA
129th AES Convention Broadcast events include:
GAINING METHODS AND THE NEW LOUDNESS RECOMMENDATION EBU R 128: Florian Camerer – ORF, Austrian TV; chairman, EBU Group PLOUD; Steve Lyman, Dolby Labs – One of the most fundamental modifications in the history of broadcast audio is underway; a change of the leveling paradigm from peak normalization to loudness normalization. These (2) sessions will address the practical implications and consequences of this shift.
BROADCAST FACILITY DESIGN; ATTENDING TO THE DETAILS: Architect/Acoustician/WSDG co-principal, John Storyk will chair a panel on the myriad details inherent in designing a broadcast production/post-production facility. Panelists include: Food Network VP of Engineering Bill Jarett; leading SF-based acoustician Bob Skye; Keith Hanadel, architect/project manager, HLW Broadcast Facility Design; ESPN TBD; and, a TV program producer/facility user, TBA. Topics include: Facilitating Work Flow; Determining and achieving exact acoustic requirements; and, The End-Users’ Perspective - Working The Room.
INNOVATIONS IN DIGITAL TV: David Wilson, CEA; Dave Layer, NAB; Sterling Davis, Cox Communications; Jim Starzinski, NBC; Jerry Whitaker. ATSC; Geir Skaaden, DTS; and Matt Easley, THAT Corp. will discuss critical new developments.
INNOVATIONS IN DIGITAL RADIO; Moderator/independent broadcast consultant, David Bialik and a panel of experts including: Steve Fluker, Cox Radio; David Layer, NAB; David Wilson, CEA; Skip Pizzi, consultant/Technology Editor, Radio Ink Magazine; and Dave Casey, DTS willscrutinize digital broadcast trends.
THE LIP SYNC ISSUE: Moderator, Jonathan S. Abrams, CEA, CBNT, Chief Technical Engineer, Nutmeg Post; panelists: Paul Briscoe, Manager, Strategic Engineering, Harris Broadcast Communications Division; Dan Desmet, Flanders Scientific, Inc.; Pat Waddell Harmonic Inc., Chair of ATSC TSG/S6; and Dave Wilson, Sr. Director, Technology & Standards, Consumer Electronics Association. Lip sync remains a complex dilemma, with several causes and few solutions. What latency correction techniques are available? How does video display design affect lip sync? And, who is ultimately responsible for implementing the mechanisms that ensure lip sync.
CASE STUDY OF PUNGA NET; UNITING RADIO STATIONS ACROSS A COUNTRY: Kirk Harnack, Telos; Igor Zukina, Streamcom Ltd. - PungaNet is an ingenious suite of mostly off-the-shelf, IP-connected technologies that enables many network topologies to distribute and share audio, control, metadata, and broadcast business processes over standard IP infrastructure.
AUDIO FOR THE OLYMPIC BROADCAST: Michael Nunan, CTV; Joshua Tidsbury, CTV - Broadcasting the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games for Canada’s Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium was an exercise in large numbers. Seventeen days; 2450 hours of programming; and a huge arsenal of technology. This panel will provide insights into Infrastructure, Training, Workflow, Sound Design and much more.
CAREERS IN BROADCASTING: Moderator, Chriss Scherer, CPBE CBNT, editor, Radio Magazine, Past President, Society of Broadcast Engineers; Panelists: Steve Lampen, Multimedia Technology & Product Line Manager, Belden; William Blum, Station Engineer, KBLX-FM; Russell Brown, Chief Engineer, KMTP-TV Pro audio and broadcasting seem to have diverged as technology has evolved, but their inherent skills are applicable to broadcasting careers. This panel will share insights and hold a Q&A to clarify the bridge between the two industries.
AUDIO FOR NEWSGATHERING: Moderator: Skip Pizzi, Media Consultant & Technology Editor, Radio Ink Magazine;Panelists: TBA The world of broadcast news presents substantial challenges to the recording, production and broadcast of raw sound during news events as they happen in the field. From faraway battlefields to local playgrounds, these tools and processes require special skills and strengths. Experts will share tips and techniques honed during years of on-the-ground newsgathering.
AUDIO OVER IP: A TUTORIAL: Steve Church, President, Telos Systems; Skip Pizzi, Media Consultant & Technology Editor, Radio Ink Magazine - IP-based networking continues to grow in popularity among broadcast, sound reinforcement and other audio facilities. The men who “wrote the book on AoIP,” will cover topics ranging from general advantages to specific applications of this groundbreaking new technology.
LISTENER FATIGUE AND RETENTION: Moderator, David Wilson; Bill Sacks, Optimod FM; Sean Olive, Harman; George Massenburg, GML, Inc; Frank Foti, Omnia; JJ Johnson, DTS and Sam Berkow, SIA will discuss an issue which grows incrementally with each new technological, musical and communications format.
LOUDNESS, METADATA, CONCERNS FOR DTV: Chair, Tomlinson Holman; Thomas Lund, TC Electronics; Jim Starzinski, NBC; Tim Carrol, Linear Accoustics; Steve Lyman, Dolby; Sterling Davis, Cox Communications; David Casey, DTS; Pat Waddel, Harmonic
AUDIO PROCESSING FOR RADIO: Moderator Tom Ray, Buckley Broadcasting; Robert Orban, Orban; Frank Foti, Omnia
“David Bialik has assembled a particularly noteworthy Broadcast and Streaming program this year,” says Convention Co-Chair Valery Tyler. “Many of these not-to-be missed events may have long-term and far reaching impact on the thinking and actions of attendees as they return to their jobs. These presentations illustrate the AES Convention at its very best.”
Photo: 129th AES Convention Broadcast & Streaming Sessions Chair, David Bialik
The Audio Engineering Society was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned audio engineers. The AES counts over 14,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East. The organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination of technical information for the industry. For additional information visit http://www.aes.org