AES San Francisco 2010
Paper Session P25
P25 - Audio in Education
Sunday, November 7, 11:30 am — 12:30 pm (Room 236)
Richard Foss, Rhodes University - Grahamstown, South Africa
P25-1 The Contributions of Thomas Edison to Music Education—Kevin D. Kelleher, Stephen F. Austin State University - Nacogdoches, TX, USA
With the invention of the phonograph in 1877, Thomas Edison initiated an expansion of the musical experience. His device provided new learning opportunities for both amateur and professional musicians, in addition to people who claimed no musical background. Advertised as a musical educator, Edison’s phonograph instructed families in the home and children at school. As a result of the recording feature of Edison’s machine, distinct new methods of studying music emerged. Recordings, for example, were utilized to facilitate distance instruction, and the Edison School Phonograph offered music educators the ability to record their pupils. Recording at home, moreover, was marketed with publications that included detailed descriptions and instructive pictures of recording techniques.
Convention Paper 8303 (Purchase now)
P25-2 Shaping Audio Engineering Curriculum: An Expert Panel’s View of the Future—David Tough, Belmont University - Nashville, TN, USA
Audio engineering programs are being created and expanded at 4-year universities across the United States due to increasing demand for the subject at the university level. The purpose of this online study was to ask an expert panel of engineers to create a ranking of essential core competencies and technologies needed by audio engineering technology programs 10 years into the future (2019). A panel of 52 audio experts and industry leaders were selected as a purposive sample and an online, modified Delphi methodology was employed. The 3-round process produced 160 competencies that can be used by administrators to construct future curriculum and technologies needed for their AET programs.
Convention Paper 8304 (Purchase now)