AES San Francisco 2010
Paper Session P24
P24 - Audio Transmission
Sunday, November 7, 10:15 am — 11:15 am (Room 236)
Richard Foss, Rhodes University - Grahamstown, South Africa
P24-1 Parameter Relationships in High-Speed Audio Networks—Nyasha Chigwamba, Richard Foss, Rhodes University - Grahamstown, South Africa; Robby Gurdan, Brad Klindradt, Universal Media Access Networks GmbH - Dusseldorf, Germany
There exists a need to remotely control and monitor parameters within audio devices. It is often necessary for changes in one parameter to affect other parameters. Thus, it is important to create relationships between parameters. The capability for relationships has existed for some time between the parameters within mixing consoles. This paper explores the parameter relationships within mixing consoles, the parameter relationships in current audio networks, and then goes on to propose some fundamental relationships that should exist between parameters. It describes how these relationships have been implemented within the X170 protocol.
Convention Paper 8301 (Purchase now)
P24-2 Experiment of Sixteen-Channel Audio Transmission Over IP Network by MPEG-4 ALS and Audio Rate-Oriented Adaptive Bit-Rate Video Codec—Yutaka Kamamoto, Noboru Harada, NTT Communication Science Labs. - Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan; Takehiro Moriya, NTT Communication Science Labs. - Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan; Sunyong Kim, Masanori Ogawara, Tatsuya Fujii, NTT Network Innovation Laboratories - Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
This paper describes an experiment of lossless audio transmission over the IP network and introduces a prototype codec that combines lossless audio coding and variable bit rate video coding. In the experiment 16-channel acoustic signals compressed by MPEG-4 ALS were transmitted from a live venue to a cafe via the IP network to provide high-quality music. At the cafe, received sound data were decoded losslessly and appropriately remixed for adjustment to the environment at the location. The combination of high-definition video and audio data enables fans to enjoy a musical performance at places other than the live venue at the same time. This experiment motivates us to develop a codec that guarantees audio quality.
Convention Paper 8302 (Purchase now)