AES San Francisco 2010
Education Track Event

Thursday, November 4, 5:00 pm — 6:30 pm (Room 120)

Student / Career: SDA-1

The first Student Delegate Assembly (SDA) meeting is the official opening of the Convention’s student program and a great opportunity to meet with fellow students from all corners of the world. This opening meeting of the Student Delegate Assembly will introduce new events and election proceedings, announce candidates for the coming year’s election for the North/Latin America Regions, announce the finalists in the recording competition categories, hand out the judges’ sheets to the nonfinalists, and announce any upcoming events of the Convention. Students and student sections will be given the opportunity to introduce themselves and their activities, in order to stimulate international contacts.

All students and educators are invited to participate in this meeting. Election results and Recording Competition and Poster Awards will be given at the Student Delegate Assembly Meeting–Part 2 on Sunday, November 7, at 2:30.

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Many of the sessions not mentioned here will be of interest to students, depending on their specialization and progress. Especially all Tutorials, Master Classes, the Live Sound Seminars, and many of the Workshops have much to offer.