For Release: October 19, 2009

Action-Packed AES 127th Convention Still The World’s #1 Pro Audio Show

Attendees and Exhibitors Look Forward To 129th In San Francisco 

AES127 Registration Day

127th AES Convention Day 1 Registration

NEW YORK:  If positive signs signal a welcome shift in uncertain times, the 127th Audio Engineering Society Convention may represent a harbinger to the return of a healthy, optimistic pro audio industry. AES Executive Director Roger Furness, Committee Chair Agnieszka Roginska, outgoing president Jim Anderson and the entire Committee cadre, report high marks from the 321 exhibitors and 18,162 attendees alike. 

“We had a level of trepidation going to shows this year because of the world economy,” reports Piers Plaskitt, CEO of SSL, Inc. “The AES Convention, however, exceeded our expectations by delivering a wide range of prospects from decision-makers to students. Our booth was busy from start to finish. We look forward to participating in San Francisco in 2010.”

“This year’s AES was a very pleasant surprise: a large quantity of well-qualified traffic.  We saw top people from beginning to end and were thrilled with the results,” states TransAudio Group president Brad Lunde. “Our Audio Underground Row 500 was packed and all our exhibitors along the row reported excellent results.  I was approached by a number of exhibitors wanting to get involved in “The Row” for next year!"

AES127 Exhibition Hall

127th AES Convention Day 1 Exhibition Hall

“A number of first time exhibitors signed on this year,” Roger Furness points out. “Shoreview Distribution; mh acoustics; Phoenix Audio; Savannah College of Art and Design and Webster University are but a few who made their AES debut at the Javits Center. This proliferation of up and coming firms represents a positive commitment to industry growth. The buzz on the show floor was palpably upbeat, and the steady aisle traffic kept exhibitors busy demoing their gear throughout the four day event.”

Equally enthusiastic, Agnieszka Roginska points to an efficient, committed and eminently professional Convention Committee for keeping the densely packed Broadcast, Educational, Game Audio, Historical, Live Sound, Papers, Platinum, Tutorial, Workshop, Master Class and Technical Tour programs running like the proverbial well-oiled machine. “Each Committee member was equally over-qualified, over zealous and occasionally over-opinionated,” Roginska says. “We were extremely fortunate to have the benefit of their experience and enthusiasm. From a hand-picked crew of volunteers to a flawless technical production, this alliance of champions has done themselves and the AES proud.  It is impossible to over praise them, but their names bear repeating, in boldface type.”   

Broadcast Chair, David Bialik; Facilities Chair, Michael McCoy; Historical Chair, Harry Hirsch; Live Sound Co-Chairs, Henry Cohen and Mac Kerr; Master Class Chair, Alan Silverman; Papers Co-Chairs, Veronique Larcher and Steve Garrett; Platinum Chair, Paul Verna; Technical Tours Chair, Lou Manno; Tutorials/ Workshops/Game Audio Chair, Alex Case and Volunteers Chair, Doron Schachter.

Jim Anderson points to a standout program of events at the heart of this year’s Convention.  “Beginning with an immensely entertaining keynote speech by Peabody Award-winning broadcaster Bill McGlaughlin, a presentation which actually inspired me to revisit Aaron Copeland’s Appalachian Spring, to a series of totally packed Platinum events and brilliant daily keynotes, this year’s convention signifies a genuine milestone,” Anderson said.  “The dedicated Audio For Video Game Track recognized one of the most important sectors of today’s industry, and the mentoring programs continue to inspire and inform the next-generation of audio professionals.” 

“We were extremely happy with the turnout at this year’s AES show, as it exceeded our expectations,” concludes Gerald Krulewicz, president of Wireworks Corporation.  “Our booth was consistently busy and we had a high caliber of visitors that were genuinely interested in our products for upcoming installations.  We always enjoy AES in New York, it gives us the perfect opportunity to meet with our existing customers and begin to forge relationships with new ones – AES 2009 was a success for Wireworks!”  

The 129th AES Convention will be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, November 4-7, 2010.

Photo 1:  127th AES Convention Day 1 Registration, NY’s Javits Center

Photo 2:  127th AES Convention Day 1 Exhibition Hall, NY’s Javits Center

For high res versions of these and other Convention photos please visit: 


The Audio Engineering Society was formed in 1948 by a group of concerned audio engineers.  The AES counts over 14,000 members throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe, Japan and the Far East.  The organization serves as the pivotal force in the exchange and dissemination  of  technical information for the industry.  For additional information visit