
AES 121st Convention Facilities Request Form
To ensure that you will have the proper equipment for your
presentation, the Facilities Committee must have your audio, video,
computer, and special equipment requirements by September 8, 2006.
If you have missed the deadline then please send
an email to the Facilities Chair.
Standard facilities for all 121st lecture session papers, workshops, and
tutorial seminars rooms will include electronic projectors with
connection to PC or Mac by standard VGA connectors. Audio playback from
computers will be available on the dais by stereo mini jack. Authors are
responsible for providing their own computers. Other audio playback will
be available, also. Standard CDs will be accommodated. If CD-R playback
is required, we recommended that you drop by the room in advance of the
presentation to make sure there is no compatibility issue.
Poster presenters do not need to make a special request. For
information on the facilities for poster presentation please download
the poster guidelines.
A lighted podium, laser pointer, sound reinforcement system, and a
two-channel audio playback system will be standard in every room.
Author's preparation room will have a PC with the latest version of
Microsoft Office and a networked printer for authors to prepare and
test their presentations.
120-Volt, 60-Hz AC line power will be available.
Optical overhead projectors and 35-mm slide projection will only be
available upon request.