Monday, May 13, 14:30 17:00 h, Room K1
W16 Audio Over Digital Networks
Chair: John Grant, Nine Tiles, Waterbeach, UK
Chris Chambers, BBC Research, London, UK
Richard Foss, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
Andy Hvass, Synetrix Ltd, Stoke-on-Trent, England
Not so long ago, while data networks were used to carry control signals for audio equipment the audio signals themselves were carried on a separate infrastructure. Now, with network technologies as diverse as ATM, IEEE 1394, and the internet being used to carry digital audio, a number of new issues arise which this workshop will address. These include: new standards, particularly AES47 (audio over ATM); control and routing protocols, and how to make systems as plug and play as possible; timing requirements and performance of the various technologies; and what services are available on public networks.