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Saturday, December 1, 2:00 - 4:30 pm

W8: Small Room Acoustics

Jan Voetmann, DELTA Acoustics, Lyngby,Denmark
Søren Bech, Bang & Olufsen, Struer, Denmark
David Griesinger, Lexicon, Bedford, MA, USA
David Moulton, Sausalito Audio Works, Groton, MA, USA
Jiri Tichy, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA

Small room acoustics is not simply scaled-down large room acoustics. This is particularly true in control room design. Both the acoustics and the psychoacoustics of such spaces have profoundly different qualities than those found in large halls or free fields. This workshop began with a tutorial on the basic issues pertaining to small room acoustics by Jiri Tichy, followed by three presentations by acousticians and researchers working in the field. They discussed recent research and current thinking regarding reverberation, early reflections, control room design, and stereophony.

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