Education & Career

AES Education Directory

Temple University

Last Updated: 2019-7-12
If any of the information listed on this page is incorrect please have a school representative fill out this form.

1801 N Broad St
Philadelphia, PA 19122
United States
Tel: 215-204-7200

Type 4 Courses - Bachelors degree course (e.g. BS, BSc, BA, BMus)

Media Studies and Production

Qualification Awarded on Completion: B.A.
Exact Duration: 4 years, plus 1 for M.A.
Contact Person: Jan Fernback

Music Technology

Qualification Awarded on Completion: B.S.
Facilities: 1 recording studio, 2 computer labs, 4 concert halls, record label
Exact Duration: 4 years
Validating Body: NASM
Contact Person: Dr. Steven Kreinberg

Type 5 Courses - Masters Degree course (taught) (e.g. MS, MSc, MA, MEng)

Masters in Music Technology

Qualification Awarded on Completion: Masters
Facilities: 1 recording studio, 2 computer labs, 4 concert halls, record label
Exact Duration: 2 years
Validating Body: NASM
Contact Person: Dr. Steven Kreinberg