Education & Career

AES Education Directory

Hochschule fuer Musik Detmold, Erich-Thienhaus-Institut

Last Updated: Before 2011
If any of the information listed on this page is incorrect please have a school representative fill out this form.

Neustadt 22
Detmold, 32756
Tel: +49 5231 975 5
Fax: +49 5231 975 972

Type 5 Courses - Masters Degree course (taught) (e.g. MS, MSc, MA, MEng)

Tonmeister Education, Music Recording and Transmission

Qualification Awarded on Completion: Diplom-Tonmeister
Facilities: Recording studios, labs, cutting rooms, transportable recording equipment
Exact Duration: 5 years
Emphasis: 1/2-year-long practical course in electrical industry required. Entrance examination focuses on areas of music, math, and physics
Fee: 90 Euro
Internship/Work Placement: None
Validating Body: None
Contact Person: Andreas Meyer