

AES Conference on Audio Forensics


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CSI Watergate Exposé

A special presentation on the reanalysis of the famous Watergate 18-1/2 minute gap with Philip T. Mellinger


The arrests of the five burglars at the Democratic National Committee headquarters of the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. resulted in the greatest political scandal in U.S. history and the resignation of a U.S. President. This talk summarizes forensic investigations aimed at unlocking the 18 1/2 minute tape gap and the insights about the gap as provided by "Deep Throat." (Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward's confidential source in 2005 identified as former FBI deputy director Mark Felt). Listen to the erased tape and draw your own forensic conclusions about research findings. Examine the results for the apparently missing notes from the erased meeting. Trace the source of Deep Throat's Watergate insights — the results are startling. Phil Mellinger's research has been covered in Mother Jones, The Discovery Channel, the Rachel Maddow Show, and elsewhere. His forensic research on this topic was published in “Cracking Watergate’s Infamous 18½-minute Gap,” Forensic Magazine, Feb/Mar 2011. (

Presenter Bio: Philip T. Mellinger creates anti-malware solutions for the financial industry. He received graduate computer science degrees from Johns Hopkins and George Washington Universities, holds seven patents for anti-fraud technologies, and has served with the National Security Agency, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the US Air Force, and two Federal think tanks. His duties as a federal agent included investigating anonymity and leaks on the Internet. He became interested in Watergate in 2004 when he read about efforts to trace the anonymous source Deep Throat. His published research on Watergate includes “Cracking Watergate’s Infamous 18½-minute Gap,” Forensic Magazine, Feb/Mar 2011, and “Deconstructing Deep Throat,” Washingtonian Magazine, November 16, 2011.

Phil Mellinger

Keynote Presenter: Philip T. Mellinger 





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