
Demonstration 3


Demonstration: Networked Master Class

Nathan Brock (UC San Diego), session chair

Steve Morris (Skywalker Sound) and Richard Weinberg (USC), session moderators

Sunday, Nov. 20, 1:00pm, CalIT2 Auditorium


This demonstration is of streaming video, audio, control, and videoconferencing over a wide-area network for the purpose of cinema audio post-production. In particular, this scenario is of a professional mix engineer at Skywalker Sound giving a master class to a group of students at the University of Southern California and a the University of California San Diego. The Master Engineer can interact with students at both universities without ever leaving Skywalker Sound. The students have complete control over the remote session, and can also stream their own projects for the Master Engineer to review and comment on. Streaming media is handled using NTT’s Jpeg2000 codecs over CENIC managed research networks. Teleconferencing uses LifeSize units, while control information is streamed using Avocent KVM-over-IP devices. 

The committee would like to thank Skywalker Sound for their generous donation of time, equipment, and facilities to this event, and to USC for use of their spaces and students.


Project Leader, San Diego: Nathan Brock

Project Leader, USC: Richard Weinberg

Project Leader, Skywalker Sound: Steve Morris

Master Engineers, Skywalker Sound: Tom Johnson (Mixer) and Tim Nielsen (Sound Designer)

Student Participants, USC: Laura Cechanozitz, Sung Rok Choi, Marcello Dubaz, Tyler Gunderson, Nahomi Maki, Ashley Maria, Kimberly Patrick, Jesse Rosenman, Bethany Sparks, Jean Tsai, Dave Turner, Mark Witte, Baihui Yang

Sound Faculty, USC: Midge Costin, Don Hall

Sound Department Staff, USC: Craig Friday, Buddy Halligan, Rich Hyland, Amy Reynolds

Engineering Graduate Student assistant, USC: Deepak Natarajan 

USC Information Technology Services: Yadong Wang

USC Thornton School of Music Faculty: Brian Shepard

Technical Support, Skywalker Sound: Brian Long, Scott Brewer, Francis Aitken

Networking Support, UCSD: Brian Dunne

Technical Support, Skywalker Sound: Hector Bracho

Technology provided by: AboveNet, AJA, Apple, Avid, CENIC, Cisco Cwave, CineGrid, LifeSize Communications, NTT Network Innovation Laboratory