
AES Member Profile

Lawrence Schwedler

Lawrence Schwedler

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Audio Fields:

  • Recording Industry - Game Audio
  • Recording Industry - Music Recording/Mix Studio
  • Recording Industry - Home/Project Studio
  • Recording Industry - Post Production
  • Recording Industry - Film/Video Sound
  • Educational Institutions - Educator
  • Other: Composer/sound designer

Job Duties:

  • Educator
  • Composer
  • Engineer
  • Musician/Talent
  • Sound Designer
  • Studio Manager


Lawrence Schwedler is a musician with twenty years of experience in the video game industry as a composer, sound designer, and audio director. In 1993 he earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in classical guitar performance and electronic music from the University of California at Los Angeles. He was a founding member of the Modern Arts Guitar Quartet, an avant-garde chamber ensemble which toured the US, Europe, Mexico, and Canada. In 1999 he joined Nintendo Software Technology as audio director, where he produced music and sound for fifteen game titles and co-authored two patents, one for interactive real time music composition and another for interactive wave table sound generation. In 2012 he left Nintendo to direct two new degree programs in music, technology, and sound design at the DigiPen Institute of Technology in Redmond. He lives in Sammamish, Washington with his wife, accompanied from time to time by their son and daughter.

AES Awards

In 2018, Lawrence Schwedler was presented with the AES Board of Governors Award in recognition of chairing the 2018 International AES Conference on Audio for Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Education Background

1989 - 1992
University of California at Los Angeles
Master of Fine Arts in music performance (classical guitar) with specialization in electronic music

1987 - 1989
University of California at Los Angeles
Bachelor of Arts in music with specialization in classical guitar performance

Employment History

August 2012 - present
Program Director, Music & Sound Design, DigiPen Institute of Technology
Redmond, Washington
April 1999 — July 2012
Audio Director, Nintendo Software Technology Corp. Redmond, Washington
January 2000 -- December 2011
Adjunct instructor, Digipen Institute of Technology Redmond, Washington
December 1996 — December 1998
Sound and Video Engineer, JVC Digital Arts Studio, Inc. Torrance, California
August 1994 -- September 1996
Director of Audio, The Dreamers Guild, Inc. Chatsworth, California
August 1992 — August 1994
Production Associate, Adaptive Design, Inc. Los Angeles, California

Why Am I An AES Member?

As a member of the AES I participate on the AES PNW section committee and participate in monthly meetings. This allows me to meet colleagues in the industry, share ideas, and mentor my students and other young people entering our field.

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