Job Title: Retired
Bandwidth Ltd.
Status: Life Member
Member since: 1997
Primary Section:
Pacific Northwest
Personal Website:
Contact: Richard Davis Tosti-Lane
Facebook Address:
Twitter Name: @dtostilane
Dave retired from his position as Chair of the Performance Production Department at Cornish College of the Arts in December 2015. He has been a professor, sound designer, technical director, lighting designer and technical consultant, and is one of the founders of the department he lead at Cornish. He is active in professional organizations such as the U.S. Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT), where he is Commissioner of the Sound Commission and the Associate Editor for Sound for TD&T, the Journal of the USITT; The International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT), where he is a member of the Sound Design Working Group; and the Audio Engineering Society (AES), where he has served on standards committees, and has been a committee member, Vice Chair and Chair of the Pacific Northwest Section of the AES.
Dave holds a BS in Management and an MFA in Technical Theater/Lighting Design from Virginia Polytechnic Institute, however his adventures in sound probably started with the 3" reel to reel message recorder he was given sometime around 1962 (and immediately took apart to see how it worked - or used to work at that point).
BS, Management, VPI, 1978
MFA, Lighting Design & Technical Direction, VPI, 1981
I was attracted to the AES because of the opportunity to share and communicate with professionals in the industry. As a theatrical sound designer, system designer and educator, as well as sometime author, I value the breadth and depth of contact with all folks connected with audio. Originally an end-user of many things audio, I find the opportunity to interact with folks who design, build and maintain the systems I use to be invaluable. And, over the years I've been a member, I've always found the spirit of mentorship, sharing of information, and collegiality in general to be inspiring and career sustaining.
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