Education & Career

AES Student Blog


AES138 | Meet the Judges #2: Richard King

AES138 | Meet the Judges #2: Richard King

Meet Richard King, one of our honorable judges of Category 2: Traditional Studio Recording of the Student Recording Competition at AES138 in Warsaw.

Richard King is an Associate Professor in the Music Research Department at the Schulich School of Music of McGill University in Montreal. He is also a Grammy award winning recording engineer across a wide range of categories, and this past year he was nominated for Best Engineered Album in both the Classical and Non-Classical categories. Richard is also part-time faculty at the Banff Centre in the sound and media department, and a member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music, Media, and Technology. A frequent presenter and panelist at the Audio Engineering Society, he is active as a guest lecturer at various sound recording programs world-wide. His research interests include small environment acoustics, and multichannel recording and reproduction.

Posted: Tuesday, April 7, 2015

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AES138 | Meet the sponsors: Focal Press



Focal Press has been a leading publisher of Media Technology books for 75 years. We provide essential resources for professionals and students in many areas including audio engineering, music recording and production, film and video production, and broadcast and media distribution. We are committed to publishing high quality books filled with practical hands-on information by experts in the field.

Focal Press has provided a considerable number of books as prizes for our Student Recording and Student Design Competitions.

Posted: Tuesday, April 7, 2015

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AES138 | Meet the Judges #1: Malgorzata Albinska — Frank

AES138 | Meet the Judges #1: Malgorzata Albinska — Frank

Meet Malgorzata Albinska – Frank, one of our honorable judges of Category 1: Traditional Acoustic Recording of the Student Recording Competition at AES138 in Warsaw.

Malgorzata Albinska – Frank polish sound engineer and music producer was born in Warsaw, Poland.

She studied Music Production and Sound Engineering at the Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw. After graduating 1989 she started her career as a freelance sound engineer and music producer working first in Warsaw, then in Switzerland and Germany. Since 1993 she also teaches recording techniques at the Basel Music Academy/Switzerland.

Following her fascination with the classical music, acoustic and acoustical sound of the instruments, she specialised her work on recording and producing music from the Middle Ages through Classic till Contemporary Music.

She works with international known musicians for different music companies, music festivals and radio stations.

In addition to the competence, her clients appreciate mostly subtle sense of hearing, sensibility in order of sound and artistic performance.

Her productions distinguish high sound quality as well as musicality.

Posted: Monday, April 6, 2015

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AES 138 | Competition Deadlines & Registration

We're sure many of you are already looking forward to one of our main AES Convention events: The Student Recording and Student Design Competitions.

For all of you who want to participate in the Student Recording Competition (SRC) but would like some more time to refine your projects, there is good news: The submission deadline has been extended and is now April 14th, 2015.

The deadline for the Student Design Competition (SDC) is April 24th, 2015.

Make sure you get your projects and documentation ready until then.

What you need to do in order to participate:

1. Read the rules: Student Recording Competition  |  Student Design Competition.

2. Get an all-access student badge for the convention!

3. Register and upload your entry: Student Recording Competition  |  Student Design Competition.


The Student Delegate Assembly is looking forward to your submissions!  

For more information, visit the Student Competition pages!

Posted: Sunday, April 5, 2015

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Up Your Output! 2015 report: AES UK student event bursting at the seams

UP! logo

UP! logo

by Brecht De Man, Chair of Up Your Output! 2015, Chair of the London UK Student Section, and Vice Chair of the Student Delegate Assembly for Europe and International Regions

pictures by Simon-Claudius Wystrach, Vice Chair of Up Your Output! 2015, Chair of the York Student Section, and Chair of the Student Delegate Assembly for Europe and International Regions

mix competition

Early last month, the third edition of the annual student event ‘Up Your Output!' shattered records as it trumped its two previous editions, both in terms of attendance and content. A one day event at its inception, the main AES UK student event became a full weekend of audio goodness in its second run and this year expanded to a whopping four days if you include technical visits to the facilities of Solid State Logic in Begbroke, Oxfordshire on Friday, and Dolby’s Soho office on Monday. 


Over 100 students enjoyed a weekend packed with lectures, exhibits, career advice, tech talk, and meeting fellow audio students from all across the UK and beyond, with most notably a delegation of the newly revived Dutch Student Section. For the first time, a parallel workshops track was organised, in part to cope with the high attendance, as well as to have the likes of producer Barry Marshall, mixing engineer Wes "Wesonator" Maebe and mastering engineer Mandy Parnell share the key to their respective successes with the very eager crowd of budding sound engineers. 

Mandy Parnell, Barry Marshall, Wes Maebe, Brecht De Man and Simon-Claudius Wystrach

From left to right: mastering engineer Mandy Parnell, producer and educator Barry Marshall, FOH/recording/mixing/mastering engineer Wes "Wesonator" Maebe, chair Brecht De Man and vice chair Simon-Claudius Wystrach. 

Jim Motley, SSL

On Friday, we visited the Solid State Logic HQ in Begbroke, Oxfordshire, where got a tour of the facilities, a presentation on the history of the company, and talks on SSL's live and studio consoles. 


The implicit theme of the event was underscored by SSL’s Jim Motley, who gave the first talk on Saturday with the telling title ‘Getting a job in the industry’.









Rob Toulson, CoDE Research InstituteRob Toulson, director of the Cultures of the Digital Economy Research Institute at Anglia Ruskin and committee member of the AES British Section, appealed to both drummers and aspiring coders with ‘iPhone app development for sound engineers’, using his iDrumTune app as a case study. 

You can look at his presentation here






Graham Boswell, Prism Sound 

The first day was concluded on a technical note with ‘Evaluating the sound quality of audio interfaces’ by Prism Sound’s Graham Boswell.







Tony Faulkner, independent recording engineer


Following a lively social, a late start on Sunday ensured a filled lecture theatre for recording engineer Tony Faulkner, whose clever title ‘Up Your Input!’ covered ‘A discussion of microphone techniques, philosophies and psychologies in recording’. 





Julian Storer, JUCE/ROLI/Tracktion


Julian Storer, developer at Tracktion and JUCE/ROLI, talked about developing music software and programming practices in ‘Noisy coding’. 







Dolby's James Shannon

 Monday’s tech tour was seamlessly introduced by Dolby’s James Shannon, who closed the programme with ‘Film sound: The next generation’.

We visited Dolby's offices in Soho, for a thrilling demo of their Atmos system, showcased through various demos including clips from 'Gravity'.

We then watched 'The Leap', a sci-fi short that was picked up and remixed to Atmos by Dolby to showcase the new technology, in the presence of director Karel van Bellingen, who told us we were the first audience (barring some crew and Dolby engineers) ever to see it - more than two weeks before the film's premiere! 

The Leap poster

During the whole event, students discussed products and careers with key figures from sponsoring companies Calrec, Solid State Logic, Focusrite, PMC, Prism Sound, Adam Audio and Acustica. Winners of the overbooked mix competition, organised between mixing workshops, as well as lucky raffle entrants, went home with prizes from Focusrite, Acustica, iZotope and Real Industry. Equipment for the workshops, lectures and showrooms was generously provided by Solid State Logic, PMC, Adam Audio and Funky Junk. Further support came from Meridian, Dolby, and venue sponsor SAE Institute London.

The organising committee thanks all the attendees, sponsors and lecturers, and looks forward to seeing everyone again at UP! 2016! 

Brecht De Man - chair (SDA vice chair Europe & International, London UK Student Section chair) [twitter|website]
Simon-Claudius Wystrach - vice chair (SDA chair Europe & International, York Student Section chair) [twitter|website]
Nikolay Georgiev - past chair & founder (British Section chair) [twitter|website]

Audience and team

Are you organising a student event other audio students need to hear about? Get in touch with the Student Delegate Assembly to receive support for any large audio student gathering!  

More Information

Posted: Friday, April 3, 2015

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The Student Delegate Assembly is looking for a new Vice Chair (Europe and International Regions)

The Student Delegate Assembly is looking for a new Vice Chair (Europe and International Regions)

A message from Brecht De Man, Vice Chair of the Student Delegate Assembly for Europe and International Regions 

(Email | Twitter | Website)


Like with every convention, we are again looking for a new student ambassador to join the ranks of the Student Delegate Assembly. We are just four audio students representing the 4,000 of you, organising the events at the Conventions, supporting student activities and answering queries from all over the world. 

The SDA consists of two representatives for North and Latin America, and two representatives for European and International Regions (i.e. everything that’s not the Americas). At every convention, one Chair retires, one Vice Chair assumes the position of said Chair, and one new recruit joins the ranks as Vice Chair. This May, we regret to say goodbye to Simon-Claudius Wystrach, SDA Chair for Europe and International Regions for one more Convention, as I try to fill his footsteps, leaving the Vice Chair position vacant. 

In an average week as SDA representative, I may join a Transatlantic Skype call with the rest of the SDA leadership as well as the Education Co-chairs Kyle P. Snyder and Magdalena Plewa; post something on the SDA’s blog, Facebook and Twitter account; email an audio software company to ask if they would like to sponsor the Student Recording Competition; email a Grammy-winning recording engineer to enquire if they want to be a judge on that competition; and respond to a few emails from student members who want to organise an event, set up a section, or confuse the AES with SAE, an audio school. 
To me, the main ‘perk' of serving the AES Students as SDA representative, is the opportunity to talk to countless companies, rock star engineers, fellow students, and distinguished AES members. Within my own sections (the London UK Student Section of which I’m chair, and the British Section where I’m a committee member) it helped me by acquiring insight into the global AES organisation, and being contacted all the time to help out with AES conferences and events - to which I always end up saying yes! 
Above all, it can be a LOT of fun to hang out with the most passionate audio geeks in the world, in awesome cities such as Warsaw, Los Angeles, Berlin, New York, Rome, San Fransisco … 
In short, I’ve had the best time since assuming the position of Vice Chair for Europe and International Regions, and can only recommend you to consider applying! 

Here’s a few things you need in order to qualify: 
- be an AES student member in any part of the world that’s not North or Latin America;
- good writing and communication skills; 
- ready to commit to two full years (four Conventions) of organising the student events at the Conventions, being the ‘first line of defense’ of the AES towards students, serving as the interface between the student sections and the professional body of the AES; 
- being present at the 138th Convention in Warsaw, preferably from the first day when we announce candidates, up until the last day when the election takes place. 

A few other things are recommended: 
- hanging around with us (you’ll find us at the SDA booth at the Convention and at the various student events) to get a feel for what we do, and ask us any questions you may have; 
- leadership experience, e.g. running a local AES Student Section; 
- enjoying talking to fellow students - this seems to be a good strategy to get elected if you have some competition! 

If you are interested in running, please contact Magdalena Plewa, AES Education Committee Vice Chair: [email protected]


Stay up to date with all things AES/SDA: 

AES Student Delegate Assembly Facebook page

AES Student Delegate Assembly Twitter account

AES Student Blog

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Simon-Claudius Wystrach - Chair (Europe and International Regions) [website|twitter]

Steven Van Dyne - Chair (Northern and Latin America) [website|twitter]

Brecht De Man - Vice Chair (Europe and International Regions) [website|twitter]

Zach Bloomstein - Vice Chair (Northern and Latin America) [twitter]



More Information

Posted: Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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AES138 - Education & Career Fair

The AES Student Delagate Assembly would like to invite any educational instituations and audio companies to register to participate in the AES Education and Career Fair taking place at the 138th AES convention in Warsaw Poland May 7th - 10th.  

This event is a great opportunity for schools to show students what your school is offering, and to meet fellow educators from other institutions from all over the world. This is also a great opportunity for student attendees to meet future employers from audio companies to get a taste for what they are in for upon gradiation.  

We recommend representitives bring pamplets, samples of student work, pictures or anything else that you think would help to give students a taste of what your instiution or company has to offer.  

The exact date and time has not yet been announced but be sure to check the Student delagate assembly Facebook page,, or our Twitter @AESsda for the announcement 

Educational Institutions follow the link below to sign up

Audio Companies follow the link below to sign up

Posted: Friday, March 13, 2015

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Heads up! Competition Rules Changed for AES 138 in Warsaw!

Heads up! Competition Rules Changed for AES 138 in Warsaw!

Dear Students and Educators,

We've announced some Recording and Design Competition rule changes for the 138th AES Convention in Warsaw. Most importantly, we're only limiting entries to one per category per school, rather than per AES student section (a great benefit for our non-US AES Students). Additionally, there are some new time restrictions on SRC entries, and AES Faculty advisors must approve all entries from their school.

Please be sure to read the complete rules and policies here, before submitting:
Submissions will be open shortly, so keep up to date with us on Facebook and Twitter (@AESsda).

Posted: Friday, February 27, 2015

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AES 57th Conference on The Future of Audio Entertainment Technology | Register Now!


- The Audio Engineering Society Invites YOU to Attend the AES 57th Conference on The Future of Audio Entertainment Technology, taking place in Hollywood, CA, March 6–8, 2015, at the world-famous TCL Chinese 6 Theatres -


Register Now!


Louis Hernandez Jr., Avid Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, will give the keynote speech
Louis Hernandez Jr., Avid Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, will give the keynote speech "Production of Audio for the Future" at the AES 57th International Conference on March 6th at 8:00am

Motion Picture & Television Engineering Personnel and Management, Movie Theater Operators and Technical Staff, Manufacturers (loudspeakers, processors, televisions, computers & associated devices), Movie Studio and TV Station Engineers, Acousticians, Theater Designers, Members of International Standards Organizations, Satellite Transmission Engineers and more – This Is Your Call to Action to Join Us in Setting the Course for the Current and Future State of Our Industry.

Leaders from top entertainment and technology providers including Auro3D, Avid, BBC, Bose, Dolby Labs, DTS, European Broadcast Union (EBU), Harman, NASA, ORF – Australian TV, Sony Pictures, Starz Entertainment, Telos Alliance, and more will be presenting during three days of Papers, Workshops, and Networking Opportunities, as the AES hosts its first-ever Hollywood conference on The Future of Audio Entertainment Technology. Conference Co-Sponsored by SMPTE – the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.

Leaders in Entertainment Audio will focus on how we can meet the challenges of a future with evolving audio formats, while also improving interoperability and reducing production and distribution costs. This conference promises to bring the audio community the advantages of harmonized production formats that our colleagues in picture experience.  
List of Topics, Program Schedule, Travel, and Registration Information at:

Posted: Thursday, February 19, 2015

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AES 137 - Meet the Winners #3 : Daniel Bennett

AES 137 - Meet the Winners #3 : Daniel Bennett

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? Where and what do you study? What audio field are you in? What initiated your passion for audio? When did it start?

 My name is Daniel Bennett and I am currently studying Music Engineering at the University of Miami (FL). I was born in Tampa, Florida and raised in Houston, Texas. I took my first clarinet class in 6th grade, taught by Randall Luster. I immediately developed a love for music that has always been central to my life. In high school, I developed a strong interest in engineering and had a hard time deciding whether to go into music or engineering. Eventually, my passion for music and engineering led my career path to music engineering. At the University of Miami, I developed a strong work ethic; I accept only my best and nothing less. My goal is to achieve the impossible by “thinking outside the box” and overcoming barriers and obstacles.

 Are you a musician yourself? What instruments do you play and in what musical context?

 I am a musician, classically trained, on clarinet. I have been studying music since about the age of 11. I studied music at the University of Houston for 3 years and attribute much of my success to my mentor, Chester Rowell. I then transferred to the University of Miami to study music engineering.

 Tell us about the production of your submission. What is the story behind it? What was it inspired by? How long did you work on it? Was it your first entry? 

 Tony Mendez, graduate student and director of the documentary film “El Mar Y El”, first approached me in the summer of 2014 about working on audio for the film. He told me that this was a short film in regards to the Mariel Exodus from Cuba in 1980. In addition, I was told that would have a three-week deadline to work on all phases of audio postproduction (Dialogue, SFX/Foley, ADR, Mixing). Being a very ambitious individual, I immediately accepted and worked very hard so Mr. Mendez would have a film to submit to various festivals.

 I knew coming back to UM as a senior, I wanted to leave my mark by winning gold at AES in a student recording competition. Ironically enough, my initial project fell into the category of modern studio-recording. To my initial disappointment, I was not selected to represent Miami in that category, but I was recommended by a fellow colleague to enter into the sound for visual media category. As strange as it sounds, it didn’t immediately register with me that this was a post-production category, so I thought I’d try to mix my modern studio recording with some online visual material and hope for the best. About two days before the entry deadline, it dawned on me that this was indeed a category that I could show off the work on the summer film I worked on for Tony Mendez. So, I did a complete turnaround on what I was working on and started preparing a clip from “El Mar Y El”. I was blessed in that I achieved my goal of receiving gold, have a great story to pass on out of it, and had the experience of a lifetime.

 What was your most significant/funny/inspiring experience as an audio engineer? 

 I’d say doing my undergrad at UM has probably been the most inspiring experience for me. At Miami, only the best is accepted. You get pushed to your limits on so many different occasions and you just have to press on. I did not want to be someone that my peers or professors ever thought of as an underachiever did not put for his best effort. This has definitely driven my work ethic and creative spirit to achieve more than I ever thought possible.

 Accidents happen: What was your biggest mistake in a production and what did you do to redeem the situation?

 The biggest mistake I probably made was taking on too many responsibilities in the film “El Mar Y El”. With it being my first real production, I thought I could do everything. I soon discovered that I was somewhat over my head when it came to getting everything done on time. To mitigate the schedule risk, I enlisted the help of one of a fellow music engineer, Nathan Paternoster, and we managed to complete the project on time. Without Nate’s help, the quality of the product would have suffered, and I doubt I would’ve been able to put out as good of product.

 What’s your advice for engineers who are just starting out?

 The biggest piece of advice I could give is to say don’t be afraid of taking on bigger than life opportunities. Even if you don’t get the position you want, you still get the experience and can build on your failures. When any opportunity comes in front of you, no matter how big or small, take it. You never know where it might lead or what might come from it.

 Tech talk: What are your favourite pieces of equipment (microphones, outboard, plugins), and why?

I mainly use Logic Pro X’s Stereo Channel EQ more than any other plugin. I find it to be convenient and necessary in a lot of the work I do. I also enjoy playing around with various compressors, reverbs, etc… My favorite out of those would probably be the Orange Squeezer as it has a “squashing” effect that sounds really good. All in all, I just look for what sounds good and will give me the best product.

 Can you name one or multiple of your favourite recordings or productions and tell us why you like them/what you like about them?

One of my favorite recordings comes from James Horner’s “One Last Wish”. I really like this particular recording because it has a warmth and tenderness that reminds me of my home in Houston, and the time I spent at the University of Houston. For me, I don’t look at the science behind the recording; I just look for what sounds good to my ears and makes me feel good. In terms of my favorite musical production, it’d have to be “The Phantom of the Opera”. We all know Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music is well composed, but it’s passion the artists perform with that really lifts this musical above all others for me.

 What do you like about the AES? How does it help you to become a better and more successful audio engineer?

Going to AES was worth way more than I anticipated initially. When I got there, I found myself connecting with not only UM alumni, but rather with students from all over the country. I made connections with professionals in the audio industry and had the opportunity to learn from them. My colleagues in the Miami section and myself got together for a dinner and movie during AES. The vast number of connections and knowledge that I received at AES has undoubtedly helped further my career in the audio realm. To anyone who is in music / audio engineering, I strongly recommend they attend the AES once in their undergrad career. Always remember that your education is what you make of it. Do not miss out on the opportunity to attend AES with your peers.

 Tell us about your favourite experiences at the 136th AES Convention in Los Angeles!

 Without a doubt, my favorite experience was getting to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at a private screening. Being a movie guy, it was pretty awesome to experience. Besides that, getting to jam with my friends and Will Pirkle, who is one of the coolest people you’ll ever meet, at ChocoChicken was pretty cool. But the highlight of it was reaching my goal of winning gold at AES. I didn’t exactly achieve it through the path I thought I would, but that is why you take every opportunity at your doorstep.

 What is your favourite frequency?

Wow, I’ve never really thought about that. Let’s go with 7kHz. Reason being my favorite football player, who wore no.7, is Case Keenum. Go Coogs!!!

 What do you do when you’re not in the studio or doing anything music related?

 More often than not, you’ll find me doing something sports related. I’m a huge fan of the Houston Texans, Rockets, Astros, Dynamo, Cougars, and the recently departed Aeros. I’m really hoping the Rockets can pull it out this year and win it all for the H-Town.

 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In ten years time, I would love to be working for Disney. Disney was in fact the company that inspired me to become a MuE. I have a great appreciation for how Disney is able to bring their stories to life through not only visual material, but aural material as well. Someday I hope to work for Disney, fulfilling a long-held aspiration.

Could you provide us with some closing comments?

I have faced a lot of adversity in my life as most people have. I have found it at school, in my friendships, in my faith, etc… You will always face difficulties in your life. The greatest piece of advice my father ever gave me was “…anything worth having is worth fighting for…” and it holds true. Never give up on your dreams. Fight for what you believe and shoot for your dreams. God is everywhere and will guide you if you let Him. Lastly, I want to say thank you to my family for believing in me and always being proud of me, both in my successes and failures. Thank you to the professors at The U, and UH, for all the time they’ve put into me. Thank you to Chester Rowell, for without him in my life, I certainly would not be where I am today. Lastly, but by far the most important, I thank God for having what I’ve needed in my life at the right times… I hope you found something worthwhile in this blog. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or just want to chat / jam…

 If you’d like to connect with Daniel find him on Facebook here

 Or Email him at [email protected]

Posted: Wednesday, February 18, 2015

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