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AES Student Blog

Student Design Competition Gold Award Winner Martin Reus

Martin Reus won Gold for his submission in the Student Design Competition.

Martin Reus won Gold for his submission in the Student Design Competition.


  1. Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from and what do you study?

    I live in a little town outside of Salzburg, Austria and was born and raised here. At the moment I am in the Bachelor's Degree for Information Technology and Systems Management at the Fachhochschule Salzburg, University for applied Science


  1. What initiated your passion for audio? When did it start?

    I was always fascinated by music. My first school had an emphasis on music. When I was 13, my brother gave me music software like Fruity Loops. After getting familiar with music production methods I developed a passion for all the technical details and soon started to develop little circuits and was hooked ever since.


  1. Tell us about the production of your submission. What is the story behind it? What inspired it? How long did you work on it? Was it your first entry?

    The whole project is a combination of many things I have learned over the past years. The first idea was planted in my head by a friend of mine who asked me if I could build a PWM compressor. It took me a while to really understand the advantages but from the minute it clicked, I really wanted to realize the project. I had already gained knowledge in DSP and microcontroller programming. It seemed obvious to combine the analog signal path with the digital sidechain. A lot of different behaviours can be realized like that and it is even possible to behave like other compressors. At the same time, I learned to program VST plugins. After writing an Ethernet TCP Server on a microcontroller I was able to communicate with the DSP from the DAW. The goal was to develop a versatile and modern studio compressor but while doing it I realized how many possibilities are in the whole design.


  1. What/Who made you join AES?

    I have always dreamed of joining the AES. The e-library alone is a treasure trove for me, let alone all the people who contribute to this wonderful society. I hope I can contribute one day too.


  1. Tell us about your favorite experiences at the 148th AES convention online.

    My personal favourite experience was the feedback session with the judges. It really helped me a lot and gave me different opinions. Some of them really led to great improvements. Also I watched every talk that I could. It was so much great information.


Posted: Tuesday, July 7, 2020

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