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AES 145 Student Recording Competition Interview

 1) Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from and what do you study?

Hi, my name is Hugo Véjar, I´m from Quito, Ecuador. My journey in the
audio field started in Argentina, where I studied an Audio Technology
Program focused in Recording. Two years ago, I joined Universidad San
Francisco de Quito where I´m studying a Major in Music Production and
Engineering in the BIN Program (Berklee International Network).
2) What initiated your passion for audio? When did it start?
Music has been the motor always for me. From the beginning I played in
punk and rock bands, becoming later the producer and recording
engineer of my own projects.
3) Tell us about production of your submission? What is the story behind it? What inspired it?
How long did you work on it? Was it your first entry?
Well, being in a music faculty for the first time in my life, has given me
the opportunity to produce, record and mix a lot of projects with a really
good level musically speaking. Last semester I met Darci Aguirre, my
jazz arrangement teacher. She just started her own music project called
Pocket Band and invited me to work with them as a live sound engineer
for their shows. When I heard about the AES NY Recording Competition,
I knew I had to present one of their songs. So, I told Darci about it and
she started to work on the final arrangement for the Cuban Bolero called
“Como fue”, the song I picked from their repertoire. In terms of production
for this song, the times were really fast. I tracked the ensemble in one of
the University auditoriums in no more than 4 hours, between the
equipment setup and the performance. I consider myself as a very active
AES student member, this was my third entry. Last year I went to AES
Colombia Convention achieving the first place in Traditional Recording
4) What/who made you join AES?
At the time I was studying in Argentina, one of my teachers, Carlos Indio
Gauvron, told us about AES and its importance in the professional audio
industry. I’ll always be grateful of having the opportunity to experience
the AES Conferences in Buenos Aires when I was just 19 years old.
They made a big impact on me, showing me the South American audio
industry on its highest level. 2018 saw the birth of the first official AES
Ecuador section, a critical point for our industry.
5) Tell us about your favorite experiences at the 145th AES convention in NY!
This time I couldn’t fly to NY because of Visa issues. But one of my
colleagues, Eduardo Becerra, who is part of our student section
committee (AES USFQ) represented my work for the jury and obviously
had a great time in the convention participating in all the conferences and
AES activities.


Posted: Wednesday, January 16, 2019

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